
i want to break eat pray love into a million little pieces.

yeah but only like 50% higher.

a lot of these songs are not what i would consider cheerful ditties. they are just songs about death and/or the apocalypse. but i am going to listen to country death song right now.

i vote for situasian. hyphens are unnecessary. and so are capital letters.

no you are absolutely right. my bad, dickhead.

probably my favorite overheard conversation during the credits of a movie was at exorcism of emily rose. when that prologue came up that said that the priest was found guilty of negligent homicide, a lady sitting in front of me said "good, that was child abuse" and the guy sitting next to her said "well the point of

oh sweet christ.

fuck yes@magic trailer. the shittiest thing my parents ever did to me was not let me watch the movie so i would know it was just some crazy dude and not a murdering wooden puppet.

@shore patrol: pointing out the cheesy shark effects didn't make me less afraid of sharks, and pointing out that you can't kill one with a scuba tank made me more afraid of sharks. so thanks a lot, dick.

movie snacks cost a lot.

i live in the south. i haven't seen the movie, but i can't imagine woody allen thinking anything about southern people that isn't absolutely balls-on true.

oops, didn't see you there, shore patrol.

7 Hides For 7 Predators.

eppie in de toal-hole!

calgarians are no friends of mine.

austin seems like the west unless you've lived in the west. it's all relative. like a rose growing out of a pile of cat shit. like, exactly like that.

i'll be watching the finale on netflix. does that count?

i think it's kind of cool that the show didn't have time to start sucking, and the actors moved on to bigger (or at least other) projects. so i'll just pretend that all of the party down actors are their characters instead of themselves, which makes every show they are in a sequel to party down. then it lives

i wish he had gotten murdered 3/4 of the way through the village.