
the song that shit on conservatives was cut when 1776 aired on tv in dallas. and that song that the messenger sings is sad.

i believe she was the baby bowler, not the bowler. and i love her, even if she dyes her skin orange and gets drunk all the time. i pretend i was number 52 in her reality bites bonebook. plus she's right, conservatives are sociopaths.

i thought it was customary to shut the fuck up in cases in which following the money leads directly to you?

gigglesnort hotel.

i would have dated gibson, but i would have cheated on her with tiffany.

damn, lobsters. take it easy on jenny. her dad molested her.

back in the day, roasts were fun because everyone involved had long relationships and deep respect and love for the person getting roasted. now it's just a handful of comedians being mean to people they just met. fuck roasts.

Major League 3 and a half, man.

i feel dumb for not getting the reference when bender sang that song to planet express ship. and plus i can't stop singing it to myself in bendervoice inside my head. and i don't mind futurama ads all over avclub.

i am a red-blooded, communist, karl marx-reading man and i would also prefer to sit between joan holloway's breasts. the difference is, i think everyone should get the chance to.

for a second i was all YEAH! TOP SECRET!! then i was all wait watching a remake of top secret! would be worse than shitting my pants on a bus.

or, imperialist.

well gilligan's island was a communist manifesto, while lord of the flies was an imperialism manifesto.

burn notice tries to push Direct TV product placement a lot harder than the serialized elements. or at least it did in the first half of the first season, which was all i could stand to watch.
i'm sick of the hybrid, it's just as formulaic now as any other tired ass tv structure. it's why i gave up on dollhouse and

the waits and perlman show is still missing something. something like MORE frogs and dogs and bears and chickens and whatever! that or, alanis morissette as god. no scratch that, that's a horrible fucking idea.

being john malkovich
i loved this movie for the first hour and then i fucking hated the rest of it. fucking HATED it.

well by the end of the movie, the director had forgotten what he was doing in the first 2/3.

agree about bamboozled. i saw adaptation with my brother and he just didn't get why the third act wrenched. but it took like 4 seconds to point it out, and i didn't even have to call him an idiot. he was still pretty quiet on the way to the car though.

so, you're saying that the co-ed shower scene was in the flick to dehumanize the soldiers, and not to show me some titties and make me want to join the army? fuck i didn't get this movie at all. plus being in the army sucked.

oh and i can't find the trailer on youtube. i suspect some sort of…electric mayhem, motherfuckers.