
it was the best of threads, it was the blurst of threads.

eh i don't remember claiming the show wasn't shit. and i did give up on the dvd's about 2/3 of the way through season 2. my point was that it wasn't like the trippy lidsville and pufnstuf shows and i think it was lazy of rabin to compare a movie (that i also gave up on 2/3 of the way through) to other tv shows

i guess i would say that you are missing the steps between? the way that the kids and the dad figured out what was going on was unexpected. it was about process, which strikes me as rare. i was surprised that the basics of troubleshooting, the pitfalls of treating a symptom without identifying root cause, codes,

i'm irritated because i think rabin treated the source material the same way the writers and performers that worked on the movie did. i kind of expect avclub to call that stuff out, not repeat it. Land of the Lost had a lot more in common with Lost than with Pufnstuf, and you don't have to be a huge nerd to notice

i agree, mobius. to that i will add, rabin, you are a lazy fuck. do some research. the original show is available on netflix, you could have at least watched some of the extras before writing this. or at least read the wikipedia entry for the show. here's an excerpt:

I winstoned strangers with candy this week. still seems awkward. but better. definitely better than i watched strangers with candy this week instantly!

excellent work, pepe.

i used to like the show and then i moved from hwood to tx and now it bores the shit out of me. i think i just liked recognizing the streets and restaurants. it made me feel like a high roller to say or think "oh i went there with andre and tao." i guess i'm saying that the only reason i enjoyed Entourage was

it's awkward, i'm saying.

when i hear "nothing is as it seems" i think "don't invest in any of this because it's complete bullshit." you don't TELL people that nothing is as it seems before they see it unless it turned out really really boring and you are engaging in spin. this reminds me of my dad. he was a con man that had a business card

eh the guy probably drives a jeep. it's product placement.

party down is fucking great, isn't it? and i love the way the episodes become available for streaming through netflix one at a time. on every other tv show that i netflix i'm a year behind. by the way, netflix needs to change that shitty WATCH INSTANTLY name. you can't verb it, which means netflix marketing people

PBS says that black people who claim to be part indian are usually actually part white. unless you are don cheadle.

eh i'd rather just drink a ginger beer. in moscow mule form, of course. or dark n stormy form. man i need a drink.

i'm with you. for the last couple of weeks the only song i've known was the u2 one. time to start growing that pony tail.

legally, cruise is required to work on SNL to stretch a lame, over the top character bit out to feature length.

"something's got a hold on me" - new order

i guess you were too busy being a dick to see the end of true romance.

i thought the movie was ok. not great. i didn't even mind the kid, because he's a murderer and doesn't even have pubes yet.

i crop dusted out of freddy got fingered. because the people that weren't walking out deserved it.