
well yeah but i thought her new miserable dull life where she has to think all the time and worry about bills was meant to serve as a warning.

eh i disagree about the old man with the bell. the part where he didn't snitch is probably my favorite scene in the show so far. but i wish he hadn't shit himself, that kind of ruined the scene. on the other hand, shitting yourself ruins most scenes.

gladiator is the braveheart of the whatevers. meh^2


really the only gripe i have with last crusade is its use of marcus brody. i don't think the film needed a comic relief character, the stuff between ford and connery was plenty. i liked marcus in the first film as the voice of reason, subject matter expert, buffer between indy and the real world, and a kind of

yeah primer is the only time travel movie i've ever seen where i thought maybe for even a second that the time machine might actually fucking work.

i don't want him to ever finish this movie, because when he does he will fall over dead.

well now i feel bad for making an inferior mcgregor dick reference without reading this one first.

i put the chances of seeing mcgregor's wang in this movie at 7 percent.

67 years old and still touring as a vocalist in a metal band, that kicks ass. rip.

are you sure? she smiles every time she hears it on her bedroom stereo or in the car, it's on her ipod and she's sung it in the shower 11 times since 2004.

eh i liked the part where she got punched in the face too, but that's no reason to start quoting all the shitty dialogue.

well the same thing happened when Clara Bow started farting as loud as she could at restaurants.

o man i would pay 8 bucks to see you ask silverman if kimmel was writing the jokes all along to her face.

when i think about how everything changes all the time and nothing lasts forever, i find aerosmith's complete and utter lack of growth as a band very comforting.

24hour party people is a comfort flick, for sure.

anyone else tried to read rik mayall's memoir? by page 7 i was wishing that he had died in that four wheeler accident. i know that sounds harsh but jesus christ reading that book was like sitting next to a farting screaming puking 4 year old on a plane.

yeah but hustle & flow was pretty good. and i agree, cheadle always looks really fucking irritated that someone woke him up.

as far as the movies go, i say mediocre futurama is better than no futurama. and i'll purchase it if it means more futurama.

i guess i understand why the second season wasn't released on dvd, but fuck. let netflix stream it or something. i only got to see about 4 of the episodes from that season. i don't know if i would have stuck around for that show past 3 seasons but that first season was some of the best tv ever. i want to drink