
i did, and now i have pointypants.

was thundarr the one that would yell "yaaaaaaaaaaaaHEE!"?

that zack guy sure is funny sometimes.

what anachron said.

my favorite joke about the pope is when people excuse the pope's status as an ex-nazi by saying he quit the party. in 1945. the same year hitler quit the party. hey wait maybe that's why the pope isn't doing anything about the child rape. maybe he's all "well what can i say to them? i mean i was a fucking nazi."

the title was written in 4D.

i blame the victim as well. kobe should have known better than to trust a mormon 20 year old girl. he deserved what he got.

gimme that nut, you'll get paid with the sweat from my balls.

hey give the guy a break, the one that wrote good lyrics for the band hung himself.

i'd pay 16 bucks to see 3d munchkintits.

i liked that episode of always sunny.

"and with it comes copies of episodes iv through vi!"

she ain't nothin nice. undercover vice done picked her up twice. you know what fuck it i like that mudhoney/mixalot track.

of course it's going to be about that. i was bitching because the dialogue was about that. it's like classic clunky exposition. two people telling each other stuff they both already know is crap writing.

i think tracy morgan is funny.

ah yes highland park, the city that's completely encircled by the city of dallas, and the one that voted not to have a public school district so their children wouldn't have to meet their servants' children.

look anonymous, when you buy an island that's close to where the anomaly is going to next appear, you can run it however the fuck you want.

i have another shitty texas town story. i grew up in garland. king of the hill is based on it. my high school mascot was a confederate colonel. in 1991. anyway, the barren old social studies-teaching shitbag at my public middle school would check out all of the books that she found offensive from our library and

anyone else think it was bizarre of chris rock to claim on real time with bill maher that he wrote this film? i mean, i told my grandmother the entire plot to E.T. when i was a kid, doesn't mean i wrote the fucking thing. i think it would have been funny if the only thing this flick shared with the original was the

i disagree. nothing is more goth than catholicism.