
his brother's gay in l.a. and he sure likes it that way.

i mean fuck, do we really need fucking 30 minutes of katrina exposition? ok i'm done, i swear.

i just watched the first episode of treme and it bugged the shit out of me. i disagree with amelie a little here. i think constant street and musician name-dropping and making sure that we all know that new orleans suffered some sort of catastrophic storm damage sort of recently is every bit as bad as an over the

they can try, but their butts aren't going to get any smaller. thank christ.

Ishtar II: The One Where At The End You Find Out That The Slutty One Has Been Abducted Into White Slavery And The Whole Movie Has Been An HSV2 Initial Outbreak Fever Dream

yeah that 50 percent of americans don't pay income tax thing only proves that we live in an aristocracy and that the middle class has been destroyed. let them eat shit.

it really made me think, "so that's what she'd look like afterwards."

oh, and coupling.

red dwarf.

i dunno, you could tune a piano to her reaction to stiller's "ew" in zoolander.

didn't grundy point his child molester eyebrows at siouxsie in that interview?

as a literate commie, i've always been ambivalent about rednecks.

i suspect that a venn diagram of people that wear crocs and people that travel would look like titties.

i think i'm going to have to start saying "enjoy the circus" to people from now on.

i used to think of republicans as bitter angry violent selfish ignorant white trash that wealthy people lead around by their assholes. all of that changed this week. now i know of republicans as bitter angry violent selfish ignorant white trash that wealthy people lead around by their assholes.

i liked Many Waters. it had the twins in it, and they weren't mousy or rain mannish. i didn't like all the jesus crap, but i liked the slutty chick.

wasn't Open Arms about his relationship with his black nanny shortly before his first term as a senator?

to be fair, it had probably been 30 years since a pretty girl had smiled at steve perry. it would have thrown me off, too.

when i saw he "queen of mean" description i was like "you know what. there's more than enough of that around already. i'm not going to watch this, ever." plus she was pretty gross and unfunny on that one roast.

more like CGI Joe, am i right?