
i think the presence of an 8k keyboard in his room makes it more likely that he was a cabaret voltaire fan, not less. CV used E-MU stuff all the time. also, i would bet my pinky toe that the first sound recorded on every emulator ever sold was a body function noise, no matter what it cost. cut ferris some slack.

what? pft.

the jesus one, i mean. well, obviously or the joke doesn't work. but the concern for royalties one was good, too.

that is the greatest story ever told.

my 8th least favorite thing about PCU was the way the characters talked about clinton as though they were sure nobody in the audience knew who he was. fuck you for that, piven.

fuck you 4 non blondes, you ruined karaoke.

oh that's just because women aren't funny. especially humorless angry bitter women.

also, almost everyone can say they are not potential dodge owners. coincidence?

but how could a band with a song titled everybody loves you when you're bi ever seem dated? oh that's how.

remembering liberty lunch makes me remember when i liked david garza.

two words
guy ritchie.

i will only watch the remake if they cast brad pitt again and it, too, leads to him cheating on his wife and eventually getting a divorce and then marrying his costar.

yeah i missed that one during the game and didn't see it until just now. my eyes teared up. but then, i'm middle aged, single, childless and terribly terribly alone.

pizza the hut was originally called jabba the hutt.

i wonder how many stanger bouquets amelie will receive this year from av club fans as a result of this. how many more than the one from me, i mean.

anyone else think Elrond Hubbard - Elven Scientologist's name would be hilarious if it didn't have the Elven Scientologist's part on it? i feel like there's a spoon in my mouth.

if someone cut together every scene this guy was in from grounded for life, i would watch it. holy shit he was funny.

this shit smells like art class is the best line i've read on this entire site.

mre heaters
i did a little CTRL-F and i didn't see anything, so if someone else has already posted this, i'm sorry but it's worth reading twice.

caligula is a netflix watch instantly title
and it's the cut without the hardcore scenes. pretty fucking pointless and weak, netflix.