
i wasn't exactly popular in high school. what i liked bout this movie was that it reminded me of a guy that i went to school with. a weirdo that i had completely forgotten about and was undeniably less popular than me. maybe that's the appeal? true story: when i saw this flick and remembered the weirdo i went to

when i first saw lock stock and snatch i loved them and watched them over and over again. then i realized they weren't really all that great and i was just taken in by the fake grit. now i pretty much hate them and i grimace with embarrassment when i think about how much i used to like them. in short, guy ritchie

i'm confused i think. shouldn't it be "low signal to shit ratio"

i watch penn and teller's bullshit for the same reason i watched john byner's bizarre. every once in a while, you get to see a nipple.

i would rather eat a hobo's toenails than watch home improvement, but galaxy quest was rock solid.


my favorite part of the movie is when he gets his right eye popped out of its socket during the riot and then he escapes and changes his name to Ruckus.

yeah if this gets the sundays back together i'm all for it.

bloated red faced william shatner bitching about the limousine not showing up while i called him a cab, pissing next to tom petty at a urinal while we smiled and nodded at each other, steve guttenberg hitting on the doorman's girlfriend and then after getting shut down asking if she had any friends in front of me and

jaycee dugard, you have been freed from a lifetime of rape by one man and are now being raped by the media! what are you going to do now?

Shocker 2: Tookie's Revenge

eh i liked my name is earl. it's rare to see protagonists in sitcoms that want to become better people. watching that show made me feel kind of good inside.

@tinnyelvis: see #5. that's kate bush lying to runaways about how the world works.

@51st state:

at least dead ringers can be streamed from netflix. i'm tired of reading about a movie i haven't seen on av club and then seeing the dreaded "very long wait" next to the title after i drop it into my queue.

you don't know anne frank. she's so cool, SHEEP count HER. eff mamet in the bhole.

my dearest hope is that in future posts the elegant victorian lady will have run-ins with zombies and ninjas.

i moved to dallas this year, and it seems to me that redbox's only competition in this area is the library.

i think we are all missing the point. am i the only one that's excited about mariah's new album?!?!?!?! her music changes my life every time i hear it. like that one song she does about the thing.

i liked this movie and barrymore's performance but her accent bothered me. she sounded like a combination of quimby's sister and gwynne in pet sematary. half of my family has lived their entire lives within 150 miles of grey gardens and drew's accent was much stronger than any of theirs. i think it is always better