Martin Sheen

Daniel LaRusso's gonna fight!

This is simply not true. Shadow of a Doubt has Teresa Wright using "carry" as an intransitive verb, and lots of other good stuff, so it wins.

This is simply not true. Shadow of a Doubt has Teresa Wright using "carry" as an intransitive verb, and lots of other good stuff, so it wins.

No, but that's one I think of a lot, too — and interestingly, both stories were adapted from his "Two Minute Mysteries." "Frightened Playboy" was about a rich dude holed up in his mansion out of fear for his life. Encyclopedia and Chief Brown come to talk to him one morning, and when the new maid (who happens to

No, but that's one I think of a lot, too — and interestingly, both stories were adapted from his "Two Minute Mysteries." "Frightened Playboy" was about a rich dude holed up in his mansion out of fear for his life. Encyclopedia and Chief Brown come to talk to him one morning, and when the new maid (who happens to

One of the first EB story titles that caught my eye, in 1986 or '87, was "The Case of the Frightened Playboy," from (I think) book 13. I was seven or eight, and of course I figured it must have something to do with naked women, so I hid the book under my shirt and read it in the bathroom after everyone else had gone

One of the first EB story titles that caught my eye, in 1986 or '87, was "The Case of the Frightened Playboy," from (I think) book 13. I was seven or eight, and of course I figured it must have something to do with naked women, so I hid the book under my shirt and read it in the bathroom after everyone else had gone

I've never read anything by Gaiman (WTF, right?), but I happened to catch the repeat of his Simpsons episode this past Sunday, and it may be the only Simpsons guest spot I've enjoyed in the last fifteen years.

I've never read anything by Gaiman (WTF, right?), but I happened to catch the repeat of his Simpsons episode this past Sunday, and it may be the only Simpsons guest spot I've enjoyed in the last fifteen years.

I was at the Bowery Ballroom reunion earlier this year, and it was great. Bringing the Blowholes back together, with Syd Straw and Marshall Crenshaw, was awesome, and it seemed as though all of the guests really wanted to be there, and were truly happy to see each other. It was just a lot of fun.

I was at the Bowery Ballroom reunion earlier this year, and it was great. Bringing the Blowholes back together, with Syd Straw and Marshall Crenshaw, was awesome, and it seemed as though all of the guests really wanted to be there, and were truly happy to see each other. It was just a lot of fun.

I was messing with my AC filter while watching this, so I'm not sure who said the line, or to whom it referred (Olivia Munn's character?), but "what [she?] lacks in experience, she makes up for in inexperience" reminded me of a line from Xander on Buffy ("What he lacks in smarts, he makes up for in lack of smarts").

I was messing with my AC filter while watching this, so I'm not sure who said the line, or to whom it referred (Olivia Munn's character?), but "what [she?] lacks in experience, she makes up for in inexperience" reminded me of a line from Xander on Buffy ("What he lacks in smarts, he makes up for in lack of smarts").

Well, sure, that may have been what they were going for. But my inner TNG fanboy would like to humbly suggest a different scenario: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, beaming over to the Jem'Hadar ship and proceeding to beat the living crap out of them with his Ressikan flute (one-handed, of course, while enjoying a cup of Earl

Well, sure, that may have been what they were going for. But my inner TNG fanboy would like to humbly suggest a different scenario: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, beaming over to the Jem'Hadar ship and proceeding to beat the living crap out of them with his Ressikan flute (one-handed, of course, while enjoying a cup of Earl

It wasn't just that the Galaxy-class ship was destroyed, but that they did it two weeks after "All Good Things…" aired, and that the captain, when he's first introduced (in a long shot) looks an awful lot like Picard. This did not sit well with me at the time, and even now, it feels a little odd.

It wasn't just that the Galaxy-class ship was destroyed, but that they did it two weeks after "All Good Things…" aired, and that the captain, when he's first introduced (in a long shot) looks an awful lot like Picard. This did not sit well with me at the time, and even now, it feels a little odd.

Well, I'm actually considering buying this, whereas my most recent brush with Small Wonder was watching in horror as my brother downloaded an episode via our 56.6 Kbps modem in the 90's (the Small Wonder Fanpage had the whole series available on rotation, and each segment of each episode took the better part of a day

Well, I'm actually considering buying this, whereas my most recent brush with Small Wonder was watching in horror as my brother downloaded an episode via our 56.6 Kbps modem in the 90's (the Small Wonder Fanpage had the whole series available on rotation, and each segment of each episode took the better part of a day

@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus I almost watched it last Christmas, but something came up. This year, I swear. (I know I'll better understand references on Parks & Recreation — April's nickname is "Zuzu"? — and The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley — "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets