
I once had a girlfriend I didn't like, and I played Dreams Less Sweet just to gauge a reaction from her while my buddy and I cackled like idiots the entire time.

Actually, it sounds like Main, but slightly more brittle.

I'm also 42, and if Mazzy Star's tour for their upcoming album contained these kinds of crowds and lines (like it would, in reality), it'd be worth it for me.

I was the guy to whom Nevermind was just another album, along with Bandwagonesque and Green Mind.

What about the Great Grape Ape?  Why is he excluded from the esteemed company of the rest of the list?

Labradford anyone?  Why are there no bands from Kranky Records on this list?  Back in the mid-90s, they were pretty much the premiere post-rock record label, and Labradford is considered by many to have influenced quite a few of the bands that followed.