
I just spoiled the comics mildly on Wikipedia, and while I agree that this season has been pretty awful with the cliffhangers, I can understand the impulse to end where it did. Though, now that I type out this justification for something I didn't even like, I'm realizing that it would've been just as suspenseful,

feels bad saying it but this particular reviewer seems ignorant of a) the history of surf rock and b) the current landscape of surf rock. also, as an above commenter mentioned, not even a hint at the album's relevance to "Black Hole."

anyone who thinks her current aesthetic is anything over the top is completely out of the loop when it comes to fashion. i guess that's what happens when an artist tries to appeal to NYC rather than OH.

Yeah. I also like that Jack has always been good to Meg in interviews. Blunderbuss is the first thing since GBMS that I've really loved from him. I'm really happy that an aging musician that I once loved has redeemed himself.

If he'd had a scratchy enough version of that from the 1940s, he would've used it.

Seriously. And no referring to themselves as All Stars or being concerned that they are not All Stars, as if it means anything in the fashion world. "I thought I was an All Star, but now I'm not sure! My head! My ego! My heart!"

I hope so, considering the gross way they presented his Skype conversation with his mother.

Imagine if somehow he guilted his way into the movie. He'd be like that friend who nobody wanted around but invited anyway and then regretted inviting.

I feel like Austin would've been the best at the Marie Claire gig, but maybe not because he's so all over the place. But, depending on the amount of responsibility placed on him, I feel like Mondo could really drop the ball. It could just be a title thing in the end, though.

Does anyone watch that After the Runway thing? I watch it out of laziness, usually have it on in the background. This week kind of made me dislike Mondo, though, so I regret watching it. It also showed that he and Austin (and, by extension, Kenley) don't get along. But they started picking on him, too. Poor Mondo.

This song, and the video, reminds me a ton of David Lynch for whatever reason, especially the first half. It's great because of and aside from that, though.