I'm hoping there is another (last) season, and if so that Nancy dies in this last ep - I would watch a season of the show without Nancy, although I think realistically there would be much less drama surrounding the family.
I'm hoping there is another (last) season, and if so that Nancy dies in this last ep - I would watch a season of the show without Nancy, although I think realistically there would be much less drama surrounding the family.
I can't remember the last time I was this into Weeds - the last five minutes of the episode really had me hanging on and wanting more.
So the clue of the photograph of Siobhan with the child seem to point that Bridget/Siobhan's estrangement comes from the death of that child - if Bridget is somehow responsible, that would definitely be enough to lead to a years-long estrangement of siblings, as well as Siobhan basically pretending her sister does not…
Not happy with the progression of Sookie/Eric this season, which is my own fault for getting my hopes up. The fantasy scenes in the second (?) season were so much more real in this - the scene of them talking in bed was incredibly sexy and romantic, and what we're getting this season is so fantastical and…
Sex + Mosquitoes …
I guess the mosquitoes weren't enough to keep Sookie/Eric from getting naked … could've at least made it back to the house!
Is this show …
supposed to piss me off this much? The scene where Nancy went to Jill's house - are we supposed to find humor in her antics? I didn't empathize with Nancy at all, and I hope a boulder crushes Jill.
I'm starting to realize …
just how much I hate Nancy. I've always rallied for her, but this season, I just can't stand her. I know her bullheadedness is why we have a show, but it's just ridiculous. I loved the last scene with Silas, as I'm happy to see someone getting the better of her, particularly Silas. I…
I kept waiting for someone to say "Nadine died in a car accident! Not because of her cancer!" No one every actually explicitly stated how she died, but I suppose the doctor would have mentioned that when Cathy confronts him.