All my ladies, if you feel me: come on. Do it. DO IT. Whip your hair. Don't matter if its long/short, do it. DO IT. Whip your hair. Your hair. Yooooour haaaaair.
John Krasinski took his shirt off in it.
The Social Network had two fucks. Also, it looks like one of the Winklevoss twins says it in the Regatta scene, but it's dubbed over with "frigging," I think?
Thanks for alerting me to these pictures, good sir!
I took my mom to see this, and on our way to the theater from the parking lot, she said: "Why is this movie rated R?"
At least we still have your icon!
Oh, I dunno. He's pretty cute.
Oh shit, I forgot about 88 Minutes. Ewww.
Also excepting Righteous Kill.
@Dark Passengerside Airbag
I don't want to live in a world where Toy Story 3 is considered "slight."
No, you're not alone. I think we're alone, though. I thought it was decent. The final scenes sort of rallied me to like (somewhat) a movie that I'd been pretty ambivalent about through most of its running time. But overall I feel like it was fairly anonymous and boilerplate for a Coen Bros. film, and I feel like if…
Yeah, I loved Animal Kingdom. The final two scenes of this movie are pretty astonishing. The penultimate one made me jump out of my seat, and the last one left me speechless. I figure Melissa Leo is going to win, and I'm okay with that — she was the best thing about The Fighter, and she even held her own when Mark…
I'm looking up your level tonight.
This is the first year I've seen all the Best Pictures. Somehow I never did it when they had five nominees, yet I pull it off the second year they have 10. It's the meaningless victories you take with you, you know?
1. I don't have headphones handy at my desk right now, so I kinda just perused this video on mute, and some of the cutaway looks and facial expressions played without sound are hilarious…
The first sentence threw me. Initially, I thought Madonna and Fox & Friends were teaming up to ignore Joan Rivers.
Hathaway's a professional. She'll do it naked.
He's 5'9". Awww.