
Very underrated film. Amazing performances. It's long - but just treat it like a miniseries and break it up over 2 or 3 nights. Excellent choice for this series.

He's an odd fellow, but he steams a good ham.

Yay humanity!

Which was…

Marvel took their (relative) time getting to the Avengers - WB is too eager to get there.

She's excellent in Boardwalk Empire too.

Sounds the makers of this film need a spanking.

We did it all the time back in the 30's…

Booooo! The man never met a reptile in his life!

"I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie. There is no system. The universe is indifferent."

Why do we care about anything this person says or does? I forget.

At he end of Secret Wars 2 - written by Shooter - the Beyonder explodes or something into another universe. Was that supposed to be the 'white event' that created all this?

I remember when this line was first teased.

Affleck made a pretty good Murdock actually. Can't call that movie good, but it has a few redeeming features. Watch any scene with Affleck and Favreau - good stuff.

I looovvee that that perplexed expression is the A.V. Club's go to shot for any Wahlberg story. Never change it.

The only thing on my bucket list is to see The Bucket List. I've heard it's terrible.

Well, here's hoping. This could be great. They could even weave the Punisher into one or more of these shows.

You wish. SHIELD could use some of that action. That is one bland show.

Hugh - we love you in the role. You know that.

Yeah I think I'll wait for netflix. Just because…………ya know.