
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

I see what you did there…

Being too hungover to stop watching something you don't wish to see is something you're looking forward to?

This looks fantastic.

CGI Peanuts sound horrific, but I suppose his sensibilities line up well. Here's hoping.

A Daredevil TV show would be great - Focus on the legal side, with occasional rooftop fisticuffs.

Ooooo…The Germans! The Germans are mad at me! Don't let the Germans get me!

Thank you Empire.

I'm gonna cut him a break on that one. He comes off as such a genuine geek about this stuff - it doesn't seem like self-promotion, even though it would from anyone else.

War Machine and/or Falcon should be on the team. The Avengers could use a little color. Green doesn't count.

Wasn't that one of Dr. Strange's powers in Marvel Ultimate Alliance?

What are the Scarlet Witch's powers exactly?

In my fantasy world, Quentin Tarantino does the Luke Cage/Iron Fist Heroes for Hire movie.

Have to agree on the Skye criticism - not to stereotype pretty girls and say they can't be hackers, but she's totally unconvincing.

I loved loved loved the prom theme - Dystopian nights, complete with burning trash cans and Blade Runner-esque aesthetic.

Disco Stu is emblematic of where the show went wrong. He was only meant to be a one-time gag but he gets trotted out again and again because the well went dry 15 years ago.

None of it is real. Few things sadder than nerds arguing over canon. "Did this really happen? Did that really happen?"

I read that Goyer wanted an origin for the 'no killing rule.'

No mention of Michael P. Fay?  His story was well known at the time and an obvious influence.

Until Louie comes back, sure.