
I'm seeing double here! Four Krustys!"

The list is incomplete without Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood:

"These boots are terrible."

Is the mother HG rescued supposed to be Spanish? It sounds like she calls HG 'Chicken-corn', but I know that can't be right, as amusing as that might be. 

I guess I'm not Esquire's target audience. I had to look up gingham. 

I've wanted that bumper sticker for years.

How was jerk practice, boy?

Awww…Someone took the sky from Joss, despite the claim that no one could. 

Why don't you just have a seat right over there…

I hope to see Ultron spank Maggie Gyllenhaal. 

I wasn't being clear. I'm aware of the Prisoner's Dilemma. I was just saying that for Bender it'd be a no-brainer. Roll over on Fry and take the money.

Pretty funny - like the rest of this season. I will miss the show, but better they end it then see it turn into what the Simpsons has become.

He's the bravest superhero of them all. Pairing orange and green like that? That takes guts.

Hank Scorpio is season eight.

I sure love reading these - but you're going to stop at the end of season eight, right?

The Hulk worked in the Avengers because he was doled out, and had other superheroes to bounce off of. But audiences loved him so some suit had this brainstorm. "How about a team of Hulks!' Sigh.

"Ooooo!" Portrait! Sounds classy."

As a die hard BTAS fan, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. I loved Pig and Toad, and I really liked the detective work in the cave - always important to me to see that.

Really? I love Naturama. Zapp as a Salmon works wonderfully.

I would liked to have seen our characters come up with a solution to the fire monster, instead of it being conveniently whisked away, but otherwise I agree - best of this new/last season so far.