
Not a great episode, but at least you can understand what Bane is saying.

"You heard the lady! Grab a spine and get crackin'!"

I've always loved Lovejoy's condescending dismissal of Hinduism.

Agreed. Orwell was wrong - Stalinist-style dictatorships collapsed, except for weirdo holdouts like North Korea.

It aint that funny. I gave up on it.

They have to bring back Marvin.

Fish Police

Check out the linked Alan Moore interview in the Watchmen section. The curmudgeon had yet to fully form - he's even slightly hopeful, if skeptical, about the prospect of a Watchmen film.

Of course God is real. He's a waffle that got stuck to the ceiling.

I thought I read once that many people who fall to their death actually die on the way down. Also, how could they have known that Michael Douglas would jump just above the cushion waiting for him, and not, say, two feet to the left or right.

This casting leaves me feeling torn. I've always found Julianne Moore highly attractive, but Sarah Palin turns my stomach. So confused…

Well I guess I have to take back what I said - 'Planet Hulk' is very entertaining. As is 'Hulk Vs' - you get two 40 minute or so mini-movies, where Hulk fights Wolverine and Thor. Both entertaining, and the Wolverine half is 'oh-my-god-how-did-this-get-a-PG13?' violent.

Marvel is winning in theaters, but DC is sure kicking ass with these animated movies.

Superman: Doomsday is pretty good - my problems with it stem from the original stories.

Oh. Much better. Missed that. ty

Using Kryptonite to kill Superman? Batman is a tactical genius!

Is this the one where Ubu tosses Batman a canteen, to repay him for saving his life earlier? Great detail. 

Fight Club belongs on this list.

Glad to see these coming - huge fan of the show. The opening theme (if not the animation) is awesome - was so sorry they went the cheesy guitar direction for JLU.

I think I would have made a good drone operator/target chooser guy. I'm good at video games and emotionally detached. Ah, the road not taken…