
The video game to movie track record isn't good, but if there's one series that could make an interesting film, it's this one. Here's hoping.

Everyone here read Cracked too dude. But they had a good point there.

The Matrix sequels suck because they're nonsensical and boring. That stupid squid / mech fight at the end went on forever. Why would the machines send thousands of robots to destroy Zion, when one nuclear bomb could do the trick? These movies deserve their reputation.

Year One was great, but that Catwoman short - bleh…

I normally secretly applaud nearly all celebrity deaths. That won't be the case with him. When he goes, the world will be losing a truly great writer, and I will mourn.

No - same universe.

It's a book examining the history
and meaning of the superhero, and it's also an autobiography. The former
is excellent and worth your time - the latter part, well…

The President's Neck is Missing!

I am shocked
- SHOCKED - that a Broadway musical based on Spider-Man turned out to be a bad idea.

Punisher: The Tyger is brilliant
Look for a trade called Punisher: From First to Last - it has three very good stories: The Tyger, The Cell, and The End, a 'last' Punisher story that will be among the darkest things you ever read. So bleak it makes The Road look like an episode of Dora the Explorer.

I thought it was rather forthright of him too. Reminded me of his comments about Indy 4 - "Yeah that kinda sucked didn't it? My bad." I may be paraphrasing slightly.

Chronicles was OK - had some cool ideas. But it got silly - the bad guys has such goofy hats, especially Batman's dad.

I liked this
about as much as I liked the Watchman movie - that is, quite good, and about as good as an adaption as we could hope for, but still missing so much from the original.

Who cares?
She's hot.

Giant animals attack the city. More of a job for Superman really, and kind of a silly Batman episode.

These are great
and I'm loving them - but could we please do two at a time? I'd like to get to the Justice League episodes before the heat death of the universe.

If you haven't seen the Batman Beyond movie 'Return of the Joker', you must.

Great Summary
The JLU Cadmus storyline is excellent, and while they're in separate continuities, some of the recent animated DC movies have been very good, particularly Crisis on Two Earths, and Under the Red Hood.

Best line in the movie
Is when Neil Patrick Harris says, with a straight face, "We're going back to P."

Raylan's ex is beyond hot
That early scene where they run into each other? I'd like to thank the wardrobe dept. for that. Ava can't compete.