Paul Pawl Pall

You can tell that Simmons has some serious deep-seated personal hate by the way he continually and blatantly feels the need to shit on anything he doesn't seem to understand. He feels easily threatened, so he spouts whatever childish, defensive bullshit comes to his mind so he can convince himself that his shallow and

Because he appeals to the lowest common denominator jackasses who confuse "telling it like it is" with "being a callous, compassion-less piece of human garbage."

Oh hey Gene, what's up?

Is there any specific reason PBR became seen as ubiquitous over other shit beers among the so-called "hipster" population? Why the appeal over, say, any other can of piss? They all pretty much taste interchangeably, IMO (though I'm a beer snob). Was there some special in-joke or appeal among hipsters? Blue Velvet

Jeez, let's give Ren a little more respect! He was the only one other than Cube writing his own rhymes!

But I do think some bands have fanbases that attract a large amount of obnoxious types. I love the Dead for instance, but the Deadhead culture has always been rather insufferable to me.

Because what is "good" and "catchy" to one may not be to somebody else.

Not to mention the whole "white-frat-dude-haphazardly-co-opting-hip-hop-slang" thing.

I find them musically uninteresting and uninspired. I love hip-hop, dub, punk, and the like, but I find Sublime's take on all of those influences to be incredibly watered-down and weak. As for the lyrics, sometimes shallow/dumb lyrics work and sometimes they don't; for me, Sublime don't.

Yeah, let's not confuse "knowing stuff" as automatically "being pretentious." Also, I know both songs in question, and it's pretty obvious which Minutemen song it is being sampled.

Hey! HEY! Sublime absolutely BLOWS, but don't bring reggae into this! "Trumped-up dance music"? Sheesh, way to write off an incredibly diverse and sonically radical genre. Get some King Tubby, Scientist, Horace Andy, Barrington Levy, and Big Youth, STAT!

And sometimes the "lesser-known" bands that inspired "better-known" bands ARE actually better. Though I'd hardly call the Minutemen unknown, but they definitely wipe the floor with Sublime.

Nothing wrong with getting stoned, but you have to admit that "stoner culture" (or whatever you want to call it) has produced some insufferable things (bad wall artwork, some terrible music, etc.). I enjoy pot, but there's a lot about "pot culture" that makes me roll my eyes.

I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion at all. You stated in your first comment "I simply don't understand why anyone hates this band, let alone the legions of people who apparently do," and I gave you some reasons. That's all. Not trying to imply that you aren't allowed to like Sublime.

But the Minutemen ARE better than Sublime. By miles!

I don't know where you're getting that I think all songwriters have to be "soulful" and "intelligent." I just think that Sublime fails at both "soulful" AND "fun (and they do seem to try both). Not to mention, I just find them musically really awful.

Hey, "dumb" lyrics with fine wine and caviar IS rather exquisite!

I'm actually a HUGE hip-hop fan, and someone like Nas is more profound and insightful than 99% of most musicians.

I don't think Jonah is losing sleep over Sublime's fanbase, but sometimes past experiences seep into our judgement of certain things, just as nostalgia can sometimes cloud our judgement of others.

I don't think anyone is demanding profound lyrics, it's just that some dumb lyrics are more insufferable than others. Sometimes "dumb" works fantastically (see the Ramones).