Paul Pawl Pall

Try listening to some King Tubby and Horace Andy. Sublime sounds like a boy band in comparison.

The irony of the INTENSE hatred that HateSong seems to inspire is that I'm sure everyone who complains about this column would let loose in much the same way as the participants if they were given free reign to let loose on a song they absolutely could not stand. Everyone complains that there's no real "insight" in

The groan-worthy, white-washed patois affectations, the limp, soulless attempts at dub and reggae, awkward attempts at lyrical insight…I can think of a lot of reasons people dislike Sublime. Different strokes, but everything I listed above is the reason I personally can't stand the band.

I'm pretty sure using a term like "gay-ass" confirms a lot of the stereotypes Jonah was talking about.

I feel this article should be subtitled "industrial-rock" or
"industrial-dance" since this leaves out A LOT of absolutely classic and
influential early industrial.

Yeah, even though The Police came out of that era, I've never considered them post-punk in the slightest. If you want to use "new wave" as an actual genre descriptor, they'd fit it perfectly.

YES!!!! This is the first piece of AV Club music writing in a LOOOOONG time that I can completely get behind! Fantastic album, as good as the first three Wire albums, IMO.

They were satirizing or critiquing those talking points in those songs though (or at least that's how they're wildly interpreted). So I'm still surprised Exene's gone off into batshit insane conspiracy land.

Man, at least The Ex wouldn't pull any bullshit like this.

Glad someone else notices how Smith totally copped Ra's flow/cadence on "Summertime." Definitely not a bad thing; I still love that song.

My fav Extra P flip is still what he did with the intro to "90 Percent Of Me" for Tragedy's "Funk Mode" remix (and also Akinyele's original version of "In The World," which uses the same beat). Shit is unreal.

Em was way dope pre-Slim Shady LP, mostly when he was dropping guest spots on a ton of late 90's indie 12"'s. Sadly, his Aftermath era has always been meh to me, especially after people started to seriously overrate his work on the label.

Some more great info on the Let The Rhythm Hit 'Em production straight from Large Pro. Looks like most of the title track was Ra himself and his brother:

Yeah, you're right, most of the stuff was finished by Large Pro or outright produced by him, but I do remember hearing that "Run For Cover" was one of the very few (if only) that Paul C did untouched before he passed. It definitely has that gritty demo feel to it.

Totally, I was listening to that Thelonious Monk guy, and like, there were all these weird notes and chords hit. It's like, learn to play a piano dude!! OMG!LOL!!!

Exactly! Can we please get someone who knows about hip-hop to write stuff like this? Not to be a dick, but my hip-hop nerd heart is breaking today!!

I think Paul C was solely responsible for that beat. Has his touch all over it.

Seriously, that mid-90's solo album that Eric released pretty much proves dude didn't have anything to do with those albums with Rakim. It's beyond dire: http://www.amazon.com/gp/pr…