Paul Pawl Pall

Did Jourgensen do that? Because I'm not sure he did (at least not to full-length albums). He's just kept With Sympathy out-of-print, and Twitch, the full-length follow-up, was when their sound moved to more aggressive territory. As far as I know you can still find that in its original form.

Oh man guys! "The Starving Games"!! Get it?? Like, there's that movie called "The HUNGER Games" and this is called "The STARVING Games"!!! GET IT?? Oh man, I can't stop laughing!!! Just like, WOW!!! Hahahaha!!! LOL!!! LMFAO!!!

I like it as a glorious exercise in camp and cheesy television specials. They only did such a high concept episode once, so I'm fine with it.

Yeah, that's why I find it weird that O'Neal seemed to see it as an actual concession. Maybe he hadn't watched it in a long time?

Before you go knocking the "Tarzan As Businessman" sketch, wasn't it the obvious intent of that sketch to be a meta-commentary on their fans' fears of the show "losing its edge" on CBS? The sketch sets you up thinking it's a bad one-note joke, and then that voiceover starts mentioning how the network asked them to do

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Judging from what little of listened to of the remixed version and the original mixes that were unearthed a few years back, the original mix is MUCH better. Can't get into the tinny synths, but the original mixes have much more umph than the remixes that comprised the album when it was first released.

I actually think I may like What's THIS For…! more than the first album. The drumming gets into that totally brilliant cluttered tribal territory. Awesome band.

Excuse my frustration, but….

Or the second Pop Group album finally getting a proper reissue.

Metal Box is underrated if anything (it's also been reissued many times over in the metal tin). Flowers Of Romance is even more underrated.

"One glaring omission: Method Man going solo was basically the end of the Wu-Tang Clan (as a group, that is)."

I think that was a bit after he had already been kicked out of New Edition. And the first post-Brown NE album with Johnny Gill was pretty successful, if I recall.

In God We Trust was a great record, and it had a hit single ("Punks Jump Up.."), so I wouldn't say Puba leaving killed Brand Nubian. Everything Is Everything was pretty awful though. The full lineup did put out a new album in 1998 too.

The whole Heavy Rhyme Experience record is really solid. Love the cut with G. Rap spittin' nothing but dark-ass murder taunts: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Nah, the whole Heavy Rhyme Experience album is not a covers record. I assume either BNH interpreted an older riff for "Soul Flower," or the Pharcyde simply sampled back the Heavies' parts in their remix.

Uhhhh, that's two albums and countless appearances. NOT one-song.

Del's "sidekick" Unicron on "Worldwide."