Paul Pawl Pall

The early pressings have a different version of "Passing Me By" too. The video version/radio version was used on later pressings. There are slight differences in the second/third verses (the n-word isn't censored and Imani's verse was re-recorded for some reason on the video version), there's no scratching on the

Okay, look, both albums are great, but I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER understand the handful of folks who swear that Labcabin is better than Bizarre Ride. I love Dilla too, but I'm not going to hold the album above the absolute classic that Bizarre Ride is just because he did a handful of tracks.

ZigZags are cheap and ubiquitous. Never really went out as far as I know.

Ayers was only on the first Soft Machine record. Very different from the later jazz-fusion stuff they did as the decade progressed (though at some point they ended up losing all original members).

Was really hoping to see an obituary for Ayers here. Absolutely amazing musician, both for his work on the first Soft Machine record and for his solo work. Joy Of A Toy and Shooting At The Moon are superb, especially the latter with its bizarre diversions into musique concrete and European Improv. He will be greatly

Eh, The Darkness was more "hard rock"/"pop metal."

It's cool. We all do dumbshit at 15. Lord knows some of the crap that I bought at that age.

Uh, dude, Shudder To Think was HARDLY a one-off single band. You know they put out a bunch of material on Dischord pre-major label, right?

Why the fuck would you buy a new Dishwalla album? I'm actually curious.

I almost feel like that pick doesn't work though since both those songs are nearly half of the album. You only have four epic songs. GREAT album though.


And, and fuckin' Tago Mago by Can!!! Paperhouse into Mushroom….so perfect!!

Gang Of Four - Ether -> Natural's Not In It
Crass - Asylum -> Do They Owe Us A Living?
Big Black - Jordan, MN -> Passing Complexion
Swans - Lunacy -> Mother Of The World
Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored -> She Bangs The Drums
Gang Starr - The Place Where We Dwell -> Flip The Script
EPMD - Strictly Business -> I'm Housin'

I was going to mention "Dirty Mind" and "When You Were Mine."

Probably because he was in jail for rape. Wouldn't say it's "unfortunate" or unexpected that people forgot him. Dude's a total scumbag.

It's rather enjoyable if you're a huge hip-hop nerd. The cameos are plentiful: Guru, Phife, Cypress Hill, Naughty By Nature, KRS, and a ton more I'm forgetting about. Works better as a spot-the-90's-rapper-cameo fest than a great film. But it's hardly unwatchable.

It's rather enjoyable if you're a huge hip-hop nerd. The cameos are plentiful: Guru, Phife, Cypress Hill, Naughty By Nature, KRS, and a ton more I'm forgetting about. Works better as a spot-the-90's-rapper-cameo fest than a great film. But it's hardly unwatchable.

He also had a single on Payday/FFRR with his duo 1st Down that I'm pretty sure dropped prior to the Pharcyde album (he was credited as Jon Doe on the 1st Down single, so it seems he had yet to adopt the Jay Dee alias).

Again, nothing like his later work, but DOOM's albums with KMD in the early 90's (way before he became DOOM) are classics (and I personally enjoy them more than most of DOOM's solo work). Mr. Hood and Black Bastards are vastly different (Hood is like a 5%-er 3 Feet High & Rising; Black Bastards is a highly self-aware,

First Del album (I Wish My Brother George…) is a personal fav, but nothing really like his later work. Like a more whimsical, satirical, somewhat party-focused early 90's West Coast album (Cube and Pooh do the production). His sophomore album No Need For Alarm is definitely more in-line with Deltron; Hiero was already