Paul Pawl Pall

The first Fat Boys album was just re-released on CD and vinyl in a pizza box with stickers and a whole bunch of stuff. Really amazing packaging. And probably their only great album; I know a lot of their stuff got incredibly cheesy after that point since they got initially (and unfairly) pegged as a novelty act.

"Good call on Cube, but I figured N.W.A. would cover both him and Dre."

Whoops, missed that. But yeah, anyway, first three Cypress records are all solid. Not sure what happened after that. :/

Solid choices, but give the west some love too….

RE: 80's….

Yeah, it's really not difficult to jump into MBV. Ignore the really early goth-rock bores, go straight for either Isn't Anything (more songs) or Loveless (more atmosphere). The recent EP's collection is the next step and finally, the Ecstasy And Wine collection as the final point of listening.

Man, Christgau really is a fucking hack for such a celebrated rock critic.

Man, Christgau really is a fucking hack for such a celebrated rock critic.

It's no The Seer, but the new Godspeed is still great. As you said, two different bands completely.

It's no The Seer, but the new Godspeed is still great. As you said, two different bands completely.

Seriously, the first Fat Boys record IS a classic. They were great before they fell into the rut of being a bad novelty act (see "Wipe Out," "The Twist," etc.).

Seriously, the first Fat Boys record IS a classic. They were great before they fell into the rut of being a bad novelty act (see "Wipe Out," "The Twist," etc.).

In the words of the man himself, "Hoff story, Hoff!"

In the words of the man himself, "Hoff story, Hoff!"

Right benderphone, I forgot to write in Maiden there for some dumb reason. One of those mornings.

Right benderphone, I forgot to write in Maiden there for some dumb reason. One of those mornings.

Yeah, I don't think they're mocking him or putting him on a pedestal. He is what he is. I actually can't imagine the piece without that recording; it heightens the unsettling paranoia of the whole piece. Again, I don't think they're exploiting him for either humor or politics. No judgement is passed.

Yeah, I don't think they're mocking him or putting him on a pedestal. He is what he is. I actually can't imagine the piece without that recording; it heightens the unsettling paranoia of the whole piece. Again, I don't think they're exploiting him for either humor or politics. No judgement is passed.

"They're good, but I don't know of they're Charlemagne Palestine good."

"They're good, but I don't know of they're Charlemagne Palestine good."