
That's pretty likely, which is upsetting and gross. I was originally a little upset that she wasn't getting enough screen time, but I figure it's more realistic like this. Shoshanna is obviously like an acquaintance friend that's around every so often, but isn't a core member of "the crew." I admire the realism of the

That's pretty likely, which is upsetting and gross. I was originally a little upset that she wasn't getting enough screen time, but I figure it's more realistic like this. Shoshanna is obviously like an acquaintance friend that's around every so often, but isn't a core member of "the crew." I admire the realism of the

Where's Shoshanna?

Where's Shoshanna?

The duster returned this week.

Even though you've criticized Bob on it's use of flashbacks in the past, I thought the flashback of Linda collecting porcelain babies was not only hilarious, but also a great way to show some of her characterization. I think it helped in grounding her in this episode by showing that she was a little more self-aware of

Nice Yung Humma reference. Surprised you didn't link directly to "Smang It" though, considering all of the controversy with Beyonce…

Did anyone else notice Casper getting blown at Kenny's party?

I think the one thing that's consistent with Austin, is that he always puts his designs first. I mean sometimes his ego comes into play, but you never see him trying to prove something to someone else like Michael C does, or prove he's a serious, emotional designer like Mondo. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Mondo,

God, that clip they showed of him not making the final runway his first season on the show…

Can Austin and Anthony just have their own reality show, please? I actually died and had to rewind the tape a few times to re-watch Austin recounting Anthony's critique of "Anthony is not crazy about the lace. He said it looks like dead, white lady."

speaking of steamer trunks…
Has anyone seen The Bellboy starring Jerry Lewis? It has one of the best steamer trunk gags I can think of. The whole movie is great, really playing on Lewis' ability to execute amazing physical comedy skills, and his bit with the steamer trunk is a perfect example.

Perfect George Michael Moment
In "Public Relations" when George Michael doesn't realize that the tv is still hooked up to the prison and he asks, "So when they kept saying 'hey boy!" that was me? I was the boy?" Perfection.