
No, the kid just found out about Frostiron; I don't blame him crying.  I want to every time I see that horrible slash pairing. (and I think I'm one of the extreme few who feel that way)  _sigh_

Well, I think any Star Wars fans who actually blamed him for the piss-poor, awful mess that Epi I was, in any way, shape or form, are complete idiots.  HE WAS A KID!  _ahem_  Anyway, yeah, the movie blew chucks big time and I am a true SW fan (my screen name ain't ladyana for nuthin'!)   

GREAT article, guys!  Loved how you explained your tales of disappointment.  As goofy as I know this is, here goes:  my big letdown was … and I kid you not, was the fourth Nightmare on Elm Street film.  Back In The Day, i was a HUGE "Nightmare" fan.  Really liked one and two, but *adored* the third film.  I was nearly

I used to read the comics all the time in the Detroit Free Press and did so from when I was a kid up until a few years ago when they turned both papers to crap and raised the price to a dollar from .50 cents.  I was one of the few folks I knew who *did* read the funnies.  i am subbed to comics online, but it just

I LOVED this show when it was on!  It was rather odd distinction for me - I wasn't attracted to Vincent in the least, but I *adored* his relationship with Catherine!  It was a "drama/romance" that would, at times, bring me to tears.  In many respects, it was pure genius.  The freshness of the plots and the depth of