
Hey everyone,

A hit was sent from the President to raid your residence
Because you had secret evidence and documents
On how they raped the Continent
And lynched the prominent, dominant, Islamic
Asiatic Black Hebrew

A hit was sent from the President to raid your residence
Because you had secret evidence and documents
On how they raped the Continent
And lynched the prominent, dominant, Islamic
Asiatic Black Hebrew

Here we go with this bullshit again.

Here we go with this bullshit again.

@V.I. Incandenza I mistakenly assumed cabspaintedyellow was referring to Hitchcock as SNUME.  Apparently I'm sort of a moron at interpreting comments here.

@V.I. Incandenza I mistakenly assumed cabspaintedyellow was referring to Hitchcock as SNUME.  Apparently I'm sort of a moron at interpreting comments here.

It is a joke expressing an opinion I don't agree with.  My response expresses that disagreement.  Understand?  Now shut the fuck up.

It is a joke expressing an opinion I don't agree with.  My response expresses that disagreement.  Understand?  Now shut the fuck up.

"Spielberg's non-union Mexican equivalent":

"Spielberg's non-union Mexican equivalent":

"Ain'tcha cabbie."

"Ain'tcha cabbie."



Exactly.  When Nucky said, "Go buy a personality" tonight, I was reasonably sure the show was ironically pointing out that Nucky's boring as beige shit.  And whenever he does 'scary' things like shoot a 19 year-old kid in the back of the head and stiffly deliver some 'intimidating' oblique schtick to the only other

Exactly.  When Nucky said, "Go buy a personality" tonight, I was reasonably sure the show was ironically pointing out that Nucky's boring as beige shit.  And whenever he does 'scary' things like shoot a 19 year-old kid in the back of the head and stiffly deliver some 'intimidating' oblique schtick to the only other

By the way, where the fuck is Esther Randolph this season?  She was an incredible addition last year, totally awesome character.  I forgot she existed till just now.

No really, fuck off.

No really, fuck off.