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Indeed, it's the real tragedy of Lincoln's death. Johnson let the war end in something more resembling a negotiated cease-fire than a decisive victory. It's impossible to imagine how our nation would look today were there any significant follow-through in the aftermath.

Oh, it's going to become a thing. A thing that you hear every time someone disagrees with the president. Just like "fake news".

I always thought a Battle of Lake Erie monument would look great on the coast of the Chesapeake.

Much like Kristen Wiig, I prefer him when he is not funny. When he tries to be funny, no thanks.

I'm a law-abiding citizen and all, but both of my grandfathers died fighting Nazis, and I have a real fuckin hard time playing this "respect everyone's opinion" game about it.

I spent last night and most of my day away from the internet and TV due to violent barfing and shitting (yay supermarket sushi), only to return to this.

To put things into perspective for everyone else in the country, I distinctly remember moving from southern Louisiana to the north TWENTY YEARS AGO, and thinking "Oh man, crazy to think I used to have to worry about racist shit heads like David Duke in politics. Glad that's not a thing any more!"

It's like being "The Chattel Cow Steak House". It's perfectly fine based on literal definitions, but, yeah, just don't.

That's exactly why we were there.

….the fuck kind of quasi-racist nonsense is "Soup Plantation"?

This is my golden rule of dining out. When in doubt, get a hamburger. My wife on the other hand, is always like "does this hot dog stand have sushi or a complicated salad?", and is continually suffering the consequences.

Indeed, if you're there, you should really make the effort to go to the Sicily location. There's just something magical about their endless breadsticks.

The only question for Applebee's is "Why would anyone choose to come here?"

This is one of those areas where the internet is really terrifying. Without it, there's no way such a small, vile minority would be so organized and feel so empowered.

Don't forget about land developers. They're always trying to destroy our rec centers…

I believe you're thinking of Bill Paxman.

No it won't. They already spent the past 36hrs celebrating his response as a victory. They'll just rationalize the latest release as something he was forced to do politically. He already made it clear what he really thinks. That's the magic of having a leader with no clear positions; you can project whatever you

The fact that his approval rating went up when he basically threatened nuclear war leaves me profoundly disappointed in humanity.

Frankly, I'm surprised that people are surprised by his response. Why would anyone expect a racist, sexist, violence-promoting xenophobe to come out strong against racist, xenophobic violence?

"…Mark Sergeant, a serial masturbator and senior lecturer in psychology…"