Cultural Reference

Those were INCREDIBLE days.  I've never been so excited to watch 2 hours of TV, week after week.  It was also clear that it was too good to be true, that we were getting away with something, and that it couldn't last.

I think all of the above are really excellent criticisms of a promising, but potentially flawed show.


Its "Hoppipolla," but you're right in that its delightful.

Pictured: Emma Watson's thighs.  Also some other stuff.

The movie is better.  The book is good, and the time it spends setting up the world is interesting, but the movie captures a lot of that world while mantaining a much faster pace, and it doesn't pile on the Jesus symbolism at the end for some reason.

Well its better than eating live people

Well its better than eating live people

It was a dead planet.  Decomposition would require living things (bacteria usually) to eat the head's tissue.  If you placed a human head on the moon, it would still be there in a couple thousand years too.

It was a dead planet.  Decomposition would require living things (bacteria usually) to eat the head's tissue.  If you placed a human head on the moon, it would still be there in a couple thousand years too.

I dunno, dude's awesome as fuck, but he's pretty old…

I dunno, dude's awesome as fuck, but he's pretty old…

Yea, McShane better get a fucking bad ass role soon. Preferably on TV again.

Yea, McShane better get a fucking bad ass role soon. Preferably on TV again.

Jackman is not a small man, but when he has to sing "I'm the stronger man by far" to Crowe, its going to be very strange.  I don't know their singing voices at all, but I would have reversed the roles.  But then I also really dislike Jackman and want to see him as a villain.

Jackman is not a small man, but when he has to sing "I'm the stronger man by far" to Crowe, its going to be very strange.  I don't know their singing voices at all, but I would have reversed the roles.  But then I also really dislike Jackman and want to see him as a villain.

Maybe it wasn't the point of "best sitcom ever," but this is what intially sold me on Community.

Maybe it wasn't the point of "best sitcom ever," but this is what intially sold me on Community.

Luck is streets ahead of those other shows. Awake's decent, but never lives up to the promise of its pilot. The River is occasionally interesting, but usually terrible.  I had fun with Terra Nova because I just enjoy recycled Star Trek B-plots, but it is indisputably bad.

Luck is streets ahead of those other shows. Awake's decent, but never lives up to the promise of its pilot. The River is occasionally interesting, but usually terrible.  I had fun with Terra Nova because I just enjoy recycled Star Trek B-plots, but it is indisputably bad.