Baking Bread

Good to see you worked in the requisite number of the word"surrogate" to reach your quota.

How exactly did The King of Limbs flop?

Nabin gives and gives (and then gives some more) and asks for nothing in return.

Also, not a horror movie.

Problem is, if I remember correctly, the movie's biggest douchebags don't die.

It's not the Bomb Squad. They produced Amerikkka;s Most Wanted. DJ Pooh produced "When will They Shoot?"

Marley Marl and Large Professor would like a word with you, sir.

Well, Ice Cube will never have dinner with the president. He'll never have dinner with the president.


Also: stupid.

Comic nerds getting duped, how about that?


Javier, who, as great of an actor as he is, is totally wrong for Roland.

That's absolutely perfect.

Have you read his Twitter? The man is utterly nuts.

Traci Lords was in it!

But you're very familiar with Ari Fleischer, are sure he's a "douche," and equate being a White House press secretary to real life.

Anytime I read the phrase "tone poem," I automatically want to kill. My fault, FF, or yours?

No. Was only nominated.

What's that one where he injects heroine into his neck? Permanent Midnight? That was pretty good.