Mrs Richard F Schiller

I can understand that. Moral pronouncements turn us all into hacks, I think. Honestly, I do find the premise of this show pretty tacky and off-putting, and I think it's sort of tasteless of them to tell this particular bit of history in this way.That being said, I might be more forbearing if it sounded like it was

Sorry if I misunderstood you, but you did seem to pushing the "art is amoral" idea pretty hard and criticizing people for not adhering to that. I also didn't get the impression that anyone was claiming that art has never been viewed as inherently amoral, they just didn't agree with that sentiment.

Who gives a shit about the defining ideology of art? (And yes, I've read nearly all of those writers) Why should Art with a capital A be confined by some Victorian-era aesthetic principles? I'm pretty sure a lot of artists would disagree with that position. Much as I love Oscar Wilde and the Bloomsbury group, and as

Well, the price might reflect quality. Lots of places serve guacamole that's made with a mixture of real avocado and a filler like mashed peas or something else bland and green. Avocados are kind of expensive, so real guac isn't going to be free.

Oh for fuck's sake. Any book that has been on the bestseller list really isn't analogous here, as I imagine you well know. We're not talking about any bestseller, because there are a shit ton of those, we're talking about Game of Thrones, which is in a rarified class due to its success by itself as well as the TV

GoT will only be read by a few academics in the not-particularly-distant future? That's quite a leap; fifty years is not a very long time. The books aren't perfect, but they're pretty damn good, and they are sufficiently different from the show to keep people interested in the differences in plot and characterization.

Isn't the lack of previously indicated balls the point of balls-finding?

Red Eye works fairly well, mostly because of the cast. Rachel McAdams is always completely fucking adorable no matter how shitty the movie is, and Cillian Murphy does a great icy, creepily sexy villain. They have strong chemistry, and their one-on-one fight to the death in the middle of a crowded space is a lot of

Damn you, Tristan_99, not only do you say essentially the same thing as me first, we both started our posts with "um."

Um, overshadowing him for you or for the public at large? Because I'm pretty sure Johnny Cash got at least as much press if not more.

It could also be mental illness blossoming in spectacularly dickish fashion.

To be fair, this isn't the first time Drake has displayed assholic tendencies. People are pissed off because he's a dick who has once again behaved like a dick.

Except, of course, for the people who work at WalMart, who get paid so little they need to be on food stamps and welfare to provide for their families.

Birth of a Nation came out in 1915, but you're right, after it came out the Klan basically came back from the dead, and for decades they were well organized terrorists with strong roots in society and local government.

Actually, the reason we don't have voluntary execution isn't because of morality, it's because people choosing that option have a diagnosable mental illness that renders them unable to consent.

Wait, death is preferable to prison, yet some prisoners have it way too easy and it's not punishment?

You can post links here, people do it all the time. If you're going to make insane claims, don't expect people to do research to support your suspect argument. Post the damn links.

Yes. I have to log back in all the goddamn time. Disqus will stop showing my avatar and letting me comment, but for some reason I actually have to hit the "log out" button at the top before I can log back in. And logging out always takes me back to the homepage, because Disqus is just that fucking shitty.

Thomas R, your beliefs are not what make you passive aggressive. Nor is any notion of tolerance or politeness. You are incredibly passive aggressive, and it's because of one thing only: the way you express yourself. Seriously, take another look at all of your comments here, not just the ones addressed to Jeff Tweedy;

I have to say, I'm sort of impressed by the level of passive-aggressive hostility implicit in the "hate the sin but love the sinner" bullshit. Believing that another human being is going to suffer for eternity in hell is some seriously psycho bullshit by itself, but trying to cloak oneself in magnanimity and fucking fo