Mrs Richard F Schiller

I think that when Mr. Tweedy says he can't co-exist peacefully with you, it's because you support an organization that actively promotes the destruction of his values. Being anti-gay, anti-contraception and anti-choice hurts people. It destroys lives. It also has fuck all to do with Jesus. Not accepting people who are

I don't know about his feelings about Mao, but if he quit the Communist party in the 50s, it's likely that he was one of many who denounced the party after Khrushchev went public with some of Stalin's horrible deeds. Whatever most American Communists had signed up for, it sure as hell wasn't that.

Also, making it the national anthem wouldn't be about endorsing Woody Guthrie as the Greatest American Ever, it would be about the song itself, which actually inspires patriotic feelings in a lot of people across all political spectrums.

Fortunately, there are a shit ton of non-famous fast food restaurants in the city. Most of them deliver, too.

No, I haven't read that, but Janice Galloway is on my list of writers-to-check-out-at-some-point. I'll give it a try; thanks for the recommendation.

If any book can give a person a nervous breakdown, it's The Bell Jar. Good book, but jesus christ.

Interesting question. Somehow I doubt that an ultimatum like that would make for a happy marriage. If you're not comfortable with your wife fucking other guys, not much is going to change that. An open marriage where one partner feels coerced is destined to fail.

Maybe I should have been more specific: I mean lying about something serious, something that might end the relationship if found out. Lying about something like fucking another person falls into that territory.

I think when Dan gives that advice, he's trying to make the preservation of the relationship priority number one; usually the letter writers have made it clear that they don't want a divorce. Unfortunately, cheating on someone tends to harm the relationship in a lot of little ways that can't be anticipated or even

You're right, if the husband doesn't consent to an open marriage, cheating on him is unambiguously wrong, and she's likely to end up with a lot of pain and a messy divorce. Which means this woman is fucked in every way except the way she wants.

There'd probably be a decent number who believe GRRM had it coming. Working on his novels until he is pleased with the result while the faithful continue to wait! The monster!

This whole Newswire is weapons-grade O'Neal snark.

Well, he did say he might change his mind later on. He probably isn't keen to start this project with people he can't trust. Maybe he'll work on it again in the future, after he's figured out who's responsible for the leak.

I got what you meant about her having missed her shot to be a singer, I was just adding that I think she's physically past the point where she could do the singing. I think she's actually too far gone to pull off the sexy rasp. Seriously, have you heard her talk lately? There's roughness and then there's a voice

Could she even sing, though? She's managed to destroy her speaking voice with chain-smoking; I doubt that even the miracles of modern recording technology could make her singing voice sound like anything but a sad, harsh rasp.

I'm really not a fan of Shirley as a character - the passive-aggressive creationist homophobe thing just doesn't work for me - but YNB is a fantastic comedic actress. I wish they'd give her a better showcase for her talents.

I don't know how they could possibly have made that battle more anti-climactic. It was like they knew they had to wrap it up at some point, then put absolutely no time or effort into the conclusion. Really, really lazy. I don't think the episode was quite as bad as Todd does, but it was definitely disappointing.

Yeah…they're trying to make Shirley seem sweet and nurturing, but she's a homophobic creationist who's always trying to convert her friends to her oppressive religion. She believes her best friends are going to hell! These aren't minor quirks that you can just roll your eyes at and move on, they're major character

Roman Polanski is, as far as we know, by far the worse human being, but he is capable of behaving like a normal person for short periods of time. Tommy Wiseau is so aggressively weird all the time that it's embarrassing to even read about people interacting with him. When you combine his otherworldly lack of social

There are roughly nine hundred billion Holocaust movies/books/TV specials out there; how on earth is anyone in danger of forgetting?