Mrs Richard F Schiller

The remake was fucking terrible, and it had very little to do with either the book or the original film.

It's not quite pedophilia in the book, though. She's been through puberty.

You really think so? Jim Morrison's lyrics were so often just a bunch of drugged-out, long-winded crap trying desperately to be profound and very seldom, if ever, managing it. I'm not suggesting that Morrison was untalented or undeserving of acclaim, but he's overrated. Lou Reed wrote some truly beautiful and moving

I am tired
I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors, made of tears

That's pretty common journalistic practice, because it does take awhile to do justice to peoples' lives and careers, and it's not Pierce-esque because they're writing about things that have in fact happened. A lot of people seem to find keeping advance obits on file sort of ghoulish, but I actually think it's

On_2, I think "annoyed" is the wrong word. When someone asks me out after I've been trying to send friend-only signals, I wish he hadn't because I don't like hurting people's feelings. Annoyance generally isn't part of it, unless the guy was being otherwise obnoxious.

Personally, I find that it's not the compliments so much as the way that they're delivered that can be annoying. Some guys can be just gross and leering, but others can be charming while they say the same things. And I think Ellie is right; you don't need to start every encounter thinking it might be serious. I think

You're right: you DO include a huge amount of conjecture, @CelticAncestry:disqus , most of which concerns what was going on in Trayvon Martin's head. So he thought Zimmerman was a "punk ass cracka," did he? And, naturally, he must have left something incriminating on that porch because Brandi Green must have found

Damn, @avclub-c1a181c99ac4568d774b6585bc0a2153:disqus , what does someone have to do to reach creeper status in your book? Either you didn't read the details of @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus 's posts or your standards are ridiculous.

@avclub-d155e6847d268061f3d8cd008a44a202:disqus The main problem with just giving your number without chatting the person up first is that is has virtually zero chance of success. Giving an unsolicited phone number is a low percentage play no matter what, but if you talk to them first and tell them your goddamn name

@avclub-c1a181c99ac4568d774b6585bc0a2153:disqus Yeah, she noted that it was a recurring thing, but it's quite a stretch to say that she's thinking of it as stalking. I also think you're overstating her "demonizing" of the guy; he gave her an index card asking if she's a REAL woman and does she have the stamina to keep

@avclub-c1a181c99ac4568d774b6585bc0a2153:disqus I must have missed the part where @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus said the guy was stalking/harassing her. She just said he was a total creep on three occasions in four months.

I checked Slate for some reason last week, and yeah, it's completely unusable now. This is probably a good thing.

Dana Stevens is one of the more horrible film "critics" working today. I don't know how these assholes with little knowledge of film history, even less perspective and no insight whatsoever get these gigs.

CGI orgy special effects? Oh my.

Wait, didn't he say the tribe was Kikuyu? The name of the brand of magic may have been made up, but that's a real tribe.

I read Interpreter of Maladies a few years ago and I cannot remember one goddamn thing about it, except that I have no inclination to read any of her other books.

Charles Peirce, not Pierce.

@avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus , I strongly disagree - January Jones is pretty, but not specially distinctive, and her face looks nothing at all like Grace Kelly's. The only real similarity is the blond hair.

I'm a much bigger fan of the book than the movie, but I have to stand up for Breakfast at Tiffany's. Holly is a hooker of humble origin who aspires to the privileged life of a rich asshole, but she never even gets close. Even the title shows how gauche she is compared to the elite; the proper name of the store is