Mrs Richard F Schiller

I actually stopped reading the review when he said he was eleven fucking years old when ATHF came on the air. I didn't even mean to; my eyes revolted and I had to skip straight to the comments. @avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus , thank you for so eloquently expressing my distress.

Interesting that you don't drive drunk but you're fine with driving and texting, even though that's at least as dangerous as driving drunk. Please god, @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus , I hope you get a ticket for texting-while-driving very, very soon.

@avclub-8e3d05b3a02cebcb45d304a5224a6113:disqus It sounds like she found the experience empowering.

"Get your hand off my tail, you'll make it dirty."

Is that what he said, though? Granted, D'Angelo tends to be harsh when he doesn't care for something, but I read his argument more as dissatisfaction with the film's inability to adequately convey the power of the characters' experience, rather than simply dismissing the story because of its religious angle.

I hate Don Henley's voice; it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. It doesn't matter how good the song might be, I hate the fucking Eagles because I hate their fucking frontman.

Yes, but is it cool enough to compensate for naming the little baby "North?"

This would definitely make a job as a supermarket clerk a lot more appealing.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Plaxico Burress's crime was actually stupid enough to nullify his celeb-immunity to the criminal justice system.

Red wasn't a huge success. It did respectable business, but it's not a project that establishes prestige for the director. Honestly, few projects do, especially action/thriller movies.

No. I won't do it.

Hello Nasty is truly delightful. When Adam Yauch died, I listened to all their albums again, and I could have sworn that the only one I knew by heart was Paul's Boutique. I'd never owned Hello Nasty (requiem purchase) but I'd heard it a gazillion times when I was 18, and after an interval of fourteen years I was kind

@avclub-731c1d58359927dee92ef108132441ff:disqus , do you really think lynching is a good idea?!

Well, @avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus , in another thread @Dikachu:disqus says that he feels anger mixed with sadness when people let their lives get out of control due to something like addiction, so I'd say it's justified to take his comment here at face value.

I dunno, I've seen people who died peacefully of natural causes minutes after they died, and it's incredibly obvious when a person is dead.

Um, yeah, @avclub-eb0700925102789f92551f4e03740e02:disqus , young people die of natural causes too. Happens all the time, actually.

@Dikachu:disqus , I tend to feel some annoyance over battered women who won't leave when they have the opportunity to do so, and I am grateful for this. I am grateful that I cannot comprehend what it feels like to be so dominated and abused that you can't even contemplate escape - these women honestly feel like

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus , I think it's possible to recognize that the justice system tends to be significantly different for different people without advocating the wholesale murder of cops and prosecutors. Nobody here has said that the justice system is fair, just

Seriously, that comment was truly frightening, and one of the most disturbing things I've read on this site. Yes, let's assume that all of the people in our justice system are evil, power-hungry murderers based on the strength of one guy's experience with a few utter bastards! Not only does that make perfect sense,

What @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus said - I've never gotten the impression that Dan Savage believes that everyone should indulge in and enjoy casual sex, kind of the opposite. He can be obnoxious, sure, but I think a lot of people really misconstrue what he says. He's never said that not liking