
Thank you so much for your insightful and thought-provoking articles, which have expanded my understanding and appreciation of film. I'll miss seeing your column. I will have to go through the archives to read some of your earlier pieces.

Maybe AMC? And they could do a Hannibal/Walking Dead crossover episode…. Oh, the possibilities….

Did Groot just give a spoiler for GoT?

Sonia, Thanks for all the AVClub reviews of TV's good, bad, and ugly -
I've really enjoyed reading your work, especially these re-visits to BSG. Best of luck on Salon.

Very well said, Karlos. Some talents are irreplaceable. I would add Heath Ledger to that list. Also a drug-related death. As Mr. Mackey says, "Drug's are bad, m'kay?'

Robert Forster's casting was brilliant.  I swooned.

I agree. I love this show, and I rarely get too critical about the writing choices, but I just don't understand the reason for having Andrea shot.  If the ABNaziGuys refuse to kill Jesse (or Todd doesn't allow it), then why don't they just threaten to kill Andrea or Brock if he doesn't cook?

Walt would dip, and then dip again.

At the opening, when we see Todd leaving the voice message for Walt, he sounds just like Jesse when he says, "Yo, Mr. White…" I yelled at the TV, "You're not allowed to say that!"

Junior has a HUGE head.

It's probably already been coined, but I'll do it anyway: "The Melon Ball Killer".

And it was Ray's son's foster mother,  not adopted mother.  He hasn't been adopted yet; that was part of their conversation. And she said that his son had already forgiven him, not that he might forgive him.

Walkers with walkers.

Yeah, I can't see them doing that to Daryl right after he loses Merle.

I'm logging in very late to the party, but I wanted to say Thank you to Kumagoro for this great post.  I also started thinking BR with Olivia's first words of that speech, and wondered why no one else had mentioned it!   

I'm logging in very late to the party, but I wanted to say Thank you to Kumagoro for this great post.  I also started thinking BR with Olivia's first words of that speech, and wondered why no one else had mentioned it!   

The Skyler possibilities I can see, but the idea of Walt, Jr dying in a totally random, non-story related car accident is just extremely depressing sounding. 

The Skyler possibilities I can see, but the idea of Walt, Jr dying in a totally random, non-story related car accident is just extremely depressing sounding. 

…and Ninja Zombie-Killer Sophia is on the RV roof, waving 'bye' at everyone.

I think he actually spun it twice and it pointed at him, and the third time it pointed at the plant.  To me, that scene mirrored Skyler's coin-toss scene at the 4-Corners;  Trying  2 out of 3, but then not going with the deciding toss/spin anyway. And the decision in Walt's case was whether to off himself with the gun