
I've not been following this season as much as the first, I'm behind on my DVR viewings. Random question— Is this season taking place in the California valley?

Such a damn good episode. I can't remember the last time I've teared up over an episode of television.

Yeeees, someone else who's read Strange Matter! Loved those. I still have them somewhere. With the popularity of connected stories, I always though in the right hands they'd make a great TV show.

Who else read the knock off versions? As a kid I loved the RU Slime series, but most of all, the vastly superior 'Strange Matter' series was my childhood required reading. The connective universe aspect of the books made for fun reads, especially the regular event books, taking a page from Marvel and DC. It's been

Did a different episode air here in California?

That's how you do television. Take note, NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC.

Long time read and lurker, sometimes poster…

Seriously, glad I'm not the only one thinking that.

The whole "is he, isn't he" really pushes the paranoia aspect. There are viewers who are *sure* he was with the KGB, just like there are viewers who are *sure* he wasn't. It really plays up the what do you know aspect of the show, intentionally or not.

And yet that show made it to syndication…

Seriously. That show had the most generic of premises but the execution of it was hilarious. How that show isn't on Netflix or July boggles my mind. And the red head daughter? Hottie.

Actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Oddly enough, I see a of priest at play grounds that try that play…

I was expecting Stan to become suspicious when they didn't say where they were when Kennedy was shot.

The New Republic did something about this topic not too long ago:

Has Garney’s art changed significantly over the years, or is it more of the coloring/inking that's really making it pop?
Also, I haven't really been following comics for… six years or so (friggen cost!)… can someone exactly explain what Marvel NOW! is?

For some reason, I keep thinking that the finale for this show will be something like the finale for "Mad About You"— we pick up years later, and find the happy couple has been separated for some time now.

For some reason, I keep thinking that the finale for this show will be something like the finale for "Mad About You"— we pick up years later, and find the happy couple has been separated for some time now.