Brainiac McGee

Possibly. Tara Lipinski was born June 10, 1982, making her only five years old at the time of the February, 1988 Calgary games.

The original TV edit of "Blazing Saddles" indicates that back in the 1970's, Americans were far more offended by farting than by racial slurs. I guess the times really are a-changin'.

What pops into my head is "Team America: World Police". When it was released, there was much accompanying publicity about a sex scene with puppets being censored to get an R-rating; I immediately went to a theater the first weekend end loved it. A few months later, I picked up the unrated DVD and was disappointed to

Madonna? She can't be from Michigan—she speaks with a British accent!

I just threw Kriss Kross out there because for some strange reason, of the artists that popped into my head, they seemed like the most un-North Carolina-like.

Why is it so shocking that Randy Travis "rules" North Carolina? Is it that he's sold a bunch of records? That he's from North Carolina? Or that there is another, more prominent North Carolina artist out there? I'm not much of a Randy Travis fan, but I would have been far more shocked if the top selling NC band had

Billy Corgan is to the AV Club Newswire what Richard "Why Is The Man Laughing?" Nixon was to the Esquire "Dubious Achievement Awards".

I'm starting to wonder if the music rights issues for some of these shows are as insurmountable as claimed—that the music rights to "The Wonder Years" have been worked out would seem to indicate that the real issue is that studios with distribution rights to these shows are simply trying to invest as little money as

You beat me to it with "St. Elsewhere". Even seasons two and three really don't provide much indication of just how offbeat the show would eventually become.

What sets figure skating apart from other televised sports is that (a) it is an international following and (b) it attracts a significant female audience. The Super Bowl might be the single sporting event with the highest rating, but the average viewing audience for any given figure skating broadcast is (supposedly)

Does this mean that tourists are finally leaving Jim Morrison's grave alone?

Don't forget "Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn"!

Was it Dennis Miller who had a bit on a cable special back in about this same era about the "syrup steward" at the International House Of Pancakes?

It's hard not to notice how the Ann and Chris scenes are almost invariably completely disconnected from everything else happening in a given episode.

I'm just waiting for the big wedding episode. Leslie will forget to arrange transportation, forcing Anne to improvise a ride to the church in either a bus or a fire engine. In a wedding gown. Then, at the alter, Chris will be so nervous that he will be unable to speak his vows, forcing Ben to step in and say them

Also, the whole "crazy pregnant woman" bit isn't exactly breaking new sitcom ground.

One of the possible reasons why I'm so impatient with the ever-looming departure of Ann and Chris is that in real time, it has been going on for months. Every week that passes without that couple saying farewell is yet another week in which the pregnancy subplot serves only to further irritate me. Real pregnancies

I should clarify: I've enjoyed Winkler on the show, and hope he continues to appear. I just had no idea that the writers would prolong this Ann and Chris thing for so long; it's as though the writers are intent on building up to some sort of happy ending that, frankly, the characters just haven't earned.

Here's the thing—I have faith that the show's writers have things essentially worked out in terms of where the show is going—but amid this excruciatingly endless (and insincere) series of Ann/Chris b-stories, I'm not seeing much evidence of this. I will continue to have faith, but if not—the whole "Ann's baby" thing

It seems like the show's getting bogged down by the Chris/Ann departure It just seems excruciatingly drawn out, and their romance doesn't particularly resonate with me, particularly compared to the courtship and wedding of Leslie and Ben. Frankly, at this point I think I would have preferred it had they had just