Brainiac McGee

Yes—Thanks again, AV Club, for the Facebook post about the stunt casting of Christie Brinkley as Jerry's wife on "Parks And Recreation".

Kind of like last season, when they had to write silly expository dialogue to provide an excuse/explanation for flying Ben and Leslie all the way back to Washington to meet Joe Biden—because the scene wasn't permitted to be shown in an episode broadcast during the Presidential election.

Fogerty won on the copyright infringement claim, but had to literally take his case to the United States Supreme Court to get Zaentz to pay his attorney's fees.

Some of us who thought we'd be able to see "Inside Llewyn Davis" in 2013 are STILL FUCKING WAITING.

As Artie on "The Larry Sanders Show" might say: "Netflix? What the hell is that? My TV stops at channel 13, the way it's supposed to."

You lost me when you said that the "entire human race stopped caring about her" a decade or so ago—whatever one feels about Britney as a performer, a human being, or a piece of meat, there is ample evidence that, for whatever reason, as a phenomenon (if not as a human being) she is still something of a pop culture

It's actually kind of a brilliant business move, in that anybody suing Spears is not permitted to depose her or otherwise question her under oath.

I'm inferring from this post that Atlanta porn and St. Louis strippers are for some reason both considered substandard to, say for example, Cincinnati porn and Denver strippers?

I usually enjoy Todd's writing, but in this instance, the pseudo-Mitch Album style of writing was as annoying as, well, Album's writing itself.

Somebody please ask the marketing geniuses behind "Inside Llewyn Davis" why an announced December 20th "wide release" does not include Central Florida.

True fact: Milli Vanilli managed to win more Grammy awards in their career than Hall and Oates have.

"(Seriously: What is Ohio?)"

I don't mind Craig (yet) but I can't shake that Cousin Oliver sensation that arises every time a character (a) suddenly becomes part of an ensemble 100 episodes or so into a series and (b) tries so hard.

I hate to nitpick a show that I love, but I would have loved to visit the accountant office on a weekly basis. I'm not sure what the writers may have planned for Ben as city manager, but right now it just seems too convenient—sort of like when Benson Dubois went from butler to Lieutenant Governor—a way to change

You had me right up until the final sentence: "…[he] has been on the nominating committee for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame for 20-plus years. So the guy probably knows what he's doing."

I remember a similar episode of "Newhart," in which Bob got drunk (I believe it was on a camping trip) with the other male characters and confessed a secret desire to perform the lead role in "The Music Man."

Me three.

I've experienced both a slipped disc and a hemorrhoid (fortunately not simultaneously), and I can tell you that while the back pain was indeed painful, it was nothing compared to the treatment for the hemorrhoid, which was also far more painful than the hemorrhoid itself.

Very cool—I know that if I ever found myself sitting next to Dennis Muren, I'd immediately turn into Chris Farley: