Brainiac McGee

In this era of CGI effects, what I sometimes miss the most is watching a scene and wondering "How did they do that?" With CGI, the mystery is just not there; for every CGI shot, somewhere on a DVD bonus disc, there's video of some guy sitting at a keyboard droning on about rendering and motion blur.

I have to say—of all of the anecdotes I've ever heard about Lorne Michaels, I don't recall ever hearing that his dream guest was Woody Allen. Not that it doesn't make sense, although I do remember a 1990's SNL sketch in which Woody and Soon-Yi bump into Mia Farrow—and Frank Sinatra. I'd have to think that by casting

I'm not sure…it might need more Billy Corgan…

What about Dennis Quaid in in "Dreamscape"?

She was married to Cary Grant, an actor so great that Phil Dyess-Nugent must use italics when typing his name.

"Down-voting"—sounds like some new-age way to make posts supporting Rebecca Black and "The Phantom Menace" not seem as disliked.

Is it safe yet to state in public that "Double Fantasy" was just FM-lite schmaltz interspersed with unlistenable Yoko material?

Two things are bothering me about this episode:

Thanks for kicking off the article with a "Parks And Recreation" spoiler.

Granted, it is still the best sentence he's ever pulled out of his trick bag…

First thing that popped into my head was that "Peter Gunn"/"Every Breath You Take" mash-up created for that Sopranos episode where the FBI was attempting to bug Tony's house. (Season 3, Episode 1, "Mr Ruggerio's Neighborhood") It was also on the "Peppers And Eggs" soundtrack CD.

"…1974's second most iconic nose bandage…"

I'm a fan of Sebastian, which makes this performance even more cringe-worthy for me.  Sebastian was admittedly (and obviously) stoned when he played Woodstock, to where he apparently misremembered which day he actually performed.  I've heard other live Sebastian performances from the 1970's, and the shows have ranged

AlasdairWilkins (don't know how to highlight the name) I think that's the problem.  It's a shame—I've always enjoyed Pamela Reed as Leslie's mother, yet as the character of Leslie evolves, the character of Marlene Griggs-Knope seems to make less and less sense.

My second-grade teacher (I'm about to show my age) once lectured us during they heydays of "Happy Days" about how the Fonz wasn't really "cool", and how she knew guys like the Fonz back in the 1950's who wound up living unhappy, mid-1970's adult existences.  

I keep wondering if maybe the writers haven't banked some type of "origin story" for Leslie's dead father—one of those episodes where she learns yet another startling family secret.  Earlier in the series (when she was still hung up on Brandanawitz, and her friendship with Ron was apparent) Leslie seemed to have some

In hip waders, no less!

Tan Ciera, tan Ciera!

This may be the first AV Club article about P & R that actually made an effort to avoid spoilers—I hope this is a continuing trend.

I wouldn't be surprised—it's also a wisecrack that really doesn't seem to have useful application outside of the professional comedian context.