Brainiac McGee

There's also the 3-D comedy "The Man Who Wasn't There".  With Steve Guttenberg. (No relation to the 2001 Coen Brothers movie.)

I'm not much of a Woody Allen fan, but "Zelig" was fairly revolutionary for 1983.

There was a time when the casting of DeNiro automatically turned any production into a "prestige film".  That probably ended at the dawn of the 1990's when he made "We're No Angels" with Sean Penn.

I watched (and even enjoyed) the first couple of seasons of Diff'rent Strokes as a 5th grader, but by the time this episode aired, I was in high school.  (IIRC, I was in college by the time it was finally cancelled.)  So I have trouble conceptualizing the type of individual likely to have watched the show faithfully

I saw it on PBS about a year after it came out—I don't think it hit many actual theaters.

Wow—turns out Phil Collins released "Hello I Must Be Going" in November of 1982.  I guess it only seemed like the worst album of 1983.

By the way Todd—we did get to see Melfi's son in a few episodes.

An amazing actor—I hate to sound old yet again, but in the pre-IMDB days, the game of "Where have I seen that actor before?" could drive one to near psychosis.  I remember Forsythe, in particular, driving me nuts.

Very sorry that we didn't get to hear his thoughts on playing real-life urban guerrilla and henpecked husband Bill Harris in "Patty Hearst"

Don't forget "rolly-coaster"!

Add another syllable, and you've got the middle line of a haiku!

I'm trying, and failing, to figure out a way to type Torn's pronunciation phonetically.

er…I should mention that I'm talking about Mighty Mouse, not General Hospital.

What I remember most about this whole controversy was that AFAIK, in the pre-internet/YouTube era, CBS (or whoever made such decisions) refused to release the actual clip in controversy.  In fact, the controversy didn't actually break until months after the original broadcast.  As a result, ordinary citizens really

In the months leading up to this broadcast, DeGeneres played herself in one of the most brilliant episodes of "The Larry Sanders Show."

A few years back, I watched "A Tough Winter", an Our Gang short from 1930 featuring Lincoln Parry as "Stepin Fetchit", an actor and a character I'd heard much about but never actually watched.

It's worth noting that Norman Lloyd is, at last Google/Wikipedia check, still alive at age 98.

I've owned all of the Sopranos DVD's for years, but after buying and watching the second half of season six, I'd pretty much filed them away and wondered when I'd ever find another 86 hours or so to watch them again.

Egad—Social media truly is interactive—I talk to the computer and it talks back!  (And now I wish I'd put more thought into my user name…)

"Inside Llewyn Davis"