Brainiac McGee

Before I read, let me sincerely thank the AV Club once again for resuming this feature.

(Janeane Garofalo monotone)

I've found that shows that seemed innovative "ahead of their time" when they were first broadcast seem incredibly dated when I watch them as an adult.  Two others that come to mind are "M*A*S*H' and "St. Elsewhere".

Also, IIRC, at some point in Season Five, a character played by Bill Murray mentioned that he had played one of the Taste Buds.

I don't disagree.  This was also an era when animation was considered to be a form of entertainment exclusively for children.

No sarcasm from me—just a sincere "thank you".  I reread Kyle's reviews of "Sanders" a couple of months ago and they were better than I remembered; I'm glad he's back.

Would you believe that once upon a time, Deschanel was reportedly going to play Janis Joplin in a biopic?

This may be the only Manzarek obit that uses the word "iconic" only one time.

Did you miss the part of my comment where I indicated that this was shit that I didn't WANT to know—that the issue was that, in fact, I now "knew shit"?

I wouldn't know—I stopped reading when I suspected I was getting a spiteful synopsis.

I stopped reading this as soon as it became apparent that this piece was intended to spoil the entire plot of "Inside Llewyn Davis" literally months before it ever shows up at a theater near me.  Goddammit, AV Club—why???

Not to be anal, but "Tanner '88" was a Criterion Collection title on laserdisc back in the 90's, likely due more to the success of Altman's "The Player" and "Short Cuts" than his 2004 "Tanner On Tanner" follow-up. 

How about this—I vote for "Onion News Empire", and the AV Club resumes reviews of "The Larry Sanders Show".  Deal?

The ESB plot twist was wrecked for me the first weekend it was out, when I innocently flipped through a copy of the comic adaptation at the grocery store.  As a result, to this day, I tend to be somewhat compulsive in avoiding spoilers—much harder to do on the present-day internet than in a circa-1980 IGA.  (I'M

Wow…that means that you were a witness to the birth of Spinal Tap Mach II!

"This Is Spinal Tap"—there's not a single situation in life to which I cannot apply a quote from that movie.

Another season of a show about happy white people, that only happy white people like.

"Pawnee R.F.D."

Goddammit—Nathan quit before I could finally post my all-time favorite Simpsons quote—from "You Only Move Twice" (season 8, episode 2):  "Sounds to me like somebody's got a case of the sposda's!"

I don't see Ron being particularly flummoxed by a dirty diaper in the traditional sitcom manner.