Brainiac McGee

A work of friction

We never had to pay to see Edward R. Murrow, dagnabbit!

"Shopping Mall Week" still resonates!

It seems that at some point news anchors stopped broadcasting the news, and instead began exclaiming it.

Is Snooky Flowers still alive?

Kind of odd how the list fails to mention the incredible ability of a Pinto wagon to become airborne when driven off an bridge by Illinois Nazis in "The Blues Brothers."  Part of the subtext was, I assume, to visually emasculate said Nazis as much as possible.  According to the DVD documentary, the FAA allowed the

And the hoop skirt.

Fuckin' white people…

I liked Leslie's hoop skirt.  And the bonnet.  Can't forget the bonnet.

Interesting P & R trivia, apropos of nothing:

I was hoping for an announcement that a non-Streisand, non-Crocodile Hunter fan would be resuming the episode reviews.

Dylan's born-again period, on paper, seems so ripe for ridicule that I can't necessarily fault somebody for taking the opportunity for wisecracks.  The problem is, I've heard them, and they're some of his better albums.  I'm really not much of a Christian, but clearly this was a period of Dylan's career when he

I've never bothered with the whole Harry Potter thing, but not out of a deliberate attempt at remaining ignorant, but because of a lifelong disinterest in the whole magic/fantasy literary/filmmaking genres.  I'm not sure if Ryan's disinterest arises from a similar dislike, but I'm not so sure that somebody who avoids

I avoid reality shows because they bore me.

It's odd how they have brought back Dexhart, yet have not really had him do anything.  In previous Season 5 episodes, during City Council chamber scenes, camera angles which would ordinarily reveal Dexhart in his seat seem to have been consciously avoided, indicating that the actor (I would have to look up his name)

An April Ludgate wolf-snarl .gif would make my morning.

Most unfunny, yet inexplicably recurring SNL character:  Linda Richman.

There is already a bizarro-A.V. Club out there which reviews "classic" episodes of game shows but abandoned reviews of "The Larry Sanders Show" because they weren't getting enough comments.

Can't believe I forgot about McCulloch—his Carl Bernstein wig alone was worth the price of admission!

The stupidest joke in an otherwise hilarious film is the title:  "Dick."  Get it?  But it's a hugely underrated film that was condemned to never find an audience in 1999 and will probably never find one—the only people who will understand why a van driven by White House employees with "The Plumbers" painted on the