Brainiac McGee

I do wish more ladies would accessorize with batting gloves. 

The posters for the film are fantastic, but I'll wait for the reviews first.

The problem with "Cobb" was that watching the movie was just as unpleasant an experience as spending two hours with the real Ty Cobb must have been.

I don't think that it goes back as far as the 1960's—if I recall correctly, the whole pitch-count thing goes back to the 1980's, roughly the time when the role of the short reliever (pioneer closers such as Bruce Sutter, Goose Gossage, Lee Smith and Dan Quisenberry) and the coining of the term "save situation," became

It was actually the part of Leo—by all acounts, the role was written for Wilson.  Albert Finney was an extremely last-minute replacement, as Wilson died right before the start of production—two days before the start of photography, by one account (http://www.chron.com/entert….  Finney wasn't bad, but as Wilson was

"…the late, lamented Trey Wilson."

I have yet to find an instance of anybody who ever knew Phil Hartman who had anything at all negative to say about the man.  It leaves me to speculate that it was his patient, easygoing personal nature that allowed him to accept his wife's now-obvious insanity.

I love this show and hate to see it criticized in any way, but…is it intolerant/old-fashioned/Dan Quaylesque/on-the-wrong-side-of-history to find the whole Ann-insemination arc to be alternately fucked-up and depressing?  Was Chris's one-question compatability test intended to conclude the evening's mirth and

"Leave Of Presence"—I loved that when I heard it the other day, and now it gives me chills.  The man was a Pulitzer Prize winner.

The White City/Deep End concert was a real triumph for Pete; in his autobiography, he writes about turning down an offer to tour with that band, without really providing a satisfying reason for his refusal—I think it really would have reshaped his solo career.

It's difficult to imagine this song getting any airplay in this current era of vanilla Clear Channel radio playlists.  Of course, it's also difficult to imagine Joe Pesci signing a recording deal with any music label in the post-Napster era.

What was doubly disappointing about Pryor's film career is that (a) he stopped doing standup to do movies and (b) he didn't do more serious acting—something of which he appeared tantalizingly capable in films like "Blue Collar," "Some Kind Of Hero," and "Harlem Nights" (which, unfortunately, was supposed to be a

The list called for books, not "booky wooks."

"Treadmill To Oblivion" and "Much Ado About Me" by Fred Allen.

I find it interesting that both Van Doren (age 87) and Stempel (age 86) are still alive.  (As of the Google Search I just did at 2:49PM EST). 

I actually went and saw this in a theater back in 1991.  As DVD bonus discs were as yet unheard of, I found it was flat-out amazing.  These days, deleted scenes and making-of documenteries more often than not put me to sleep, but I would spend much of the 1990's reccommending "Hearts Of Darkness" and babbling

Actually, the quote is:

I did sort of hold my breath when the discussion turned to "Stuart Saves His Family."  I love the film, but it's not a film I'd necessarily reccommend to anybody who might not grasp some of the subtleties of family dysfunction, or who cannot recall a time when Al Franken's politics were generally not known.  In other

It was one of those movies I was too young to see back in 1978, but I had classmates who did.  It was sort of like a badge of 5th grade honor; they described the dirty parts to me in a manner that caused me to envision it as the greatest soft-core porno in movie history.  In fact, I still haven't watched a soft-core

Here's the thing:  Having grown up as a white, midwestern WASP, part of a family prone to driving long distances via station wagon for vacations, the Grisowold were my family.  Clark Griswold was, and is, my father.  The film was essentially a 90-minute ethnic joke; if it was racist, it was because it presented