Dat Horse

I think MLP:FIM gets the intense praise it does because it's a really good show that absolutely nobody expected to be even a somewhat good show. Go watch some 1980's MLP. Were you even able to make it through a single episode of that poorly animated, pandering garbage that exemplifies everything wrong with both

It's going to be in IMAX, right? I always make the effort to see a film in IMAX and there's no price difference between regular IMAX and 3D IMAX, so I'm fine with this.


Good episodes to start with would be "Caffeinated Concert Tickets", "The Unicorns Have Got to Go" or "Don".

I would have gone with "Sonic Rainboom" for it's fantastic action scenes and great storyline, but I'm a big Rainbow Dash fan so I'm probably just biased.

Let's not forget the equally brilliant Regular Show.

Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1 was indeed brilliant this year. The season premiere and season finale both perfectly capture what makes the show a true comic gem. The way Shake spends the entire season premiere talking about how they're going under major changes towards serious crime solving only to just get facefucked by a


Giving this a like simply because I'm pretty sure it's the first mention Secret Mountain Fort Awesome and The Fart have ever had on this site.

Most AV Club staff members don't seem to watch much adult swim outside of Childrens Hospital and Venture Bros, but hey, at least something gets recognized.

I can't say I'm terribly surprised, but it's still disappointing that Adventure Time and Regular Show didn't make anybody's lists.

Exactly. It's as if Nolan's Bane is Bane in name only. Even if they have the same abilities, origin (this is questionable at this point), and appearance (also questionable…where are the goddamn back tubes?!), you can't just give a character an entirely new personality and identity while still claiming they're the same

That image makes it look like this show is about the Cash Cab guy being a part-time bouncer for a gay Asian nightclub. Now THAT show I would watch.

As somebody who has watched every episode of Allen Gregory so far, despite the fact that it's terrible and pushed my beloved Bob's Burgers to midseason, the best case I can make for it is that they tend to get the interaction between Allen's parents right. Unfortunately, I hate all the characters on this show, so to

In defense of Burn Notice!

The music video for it has both Craig Ferguson and Geoff Peterson in it which pretty much prevents me from having any negative feelings towards the song I might have otherwise.

George Takei doesn't like a movie full of shirtless teenage boys?

Sometimes I wish HBO's shows would accomplish something within a single episode. Other than various Sopranos episodes, is there any HBO drama that both introduces and resolves a single storyline in a single show? There's nothing wrong with that type of serialized drama, but come on, at least Mad Men and Breaking Bad

Interestingly enough, Colbert's show has the largest percentage of male viewers of any late night talk show. I don't know if that impacts the guest choices directly though. I doubt it, but wouldn't be surprised if it has at least some bearing since there are very few non-sports shows on television that have a

For me, what places Colbert firmly above Stewart is Colbert's show clearly has a stronger dedication to being funny. Stewart's show often gets bogged down in obvious  commentary from Stewart standing (er…sitting) on his soapbox. As a primary example, I submit the piece from Monday's show about the conspiracy theories