
I just wish Conan, as a Bostonian, made an appearance since he used to write for The Simpsons.

Yeah. Glee needs more soap opera drama. Like Kurt and Rachel getting drunk and having a make out session because they both miss their loved ones and then have Santana come bursting through the door and catch them.

No, Butters will get the "Stop Touching Me Elmo" and then bring it to Bennigan's.

Keep Yourself Alive

They just need to follow up every episode with a lifetime movie about anorexia.

Will should have made Unique wear the seashell bra. So much for that "equal opportunity".

And now for something…completely different…

Steve Harvey reinvigorated Family Feud after a pretty bad decade of mediocre hosts.

A Canadian episode without Scott?

I don't like to throw religion into this discussion, but for all demagoguery that Evangelists do, gluttony is one of the 7 Deadly Sins [greed is too but that is something else the moocher pastors should confront on their own]. For once, I would love to hear one of these preachers call out its own flock for their

"that that" was used 3 times. I know this isn't a Yahoo! article but I expect higher caliber writing here.

I get a kick out of the next episode's title: "Tina in the sky with Diamonds". Does that mean Tina is gonna be a meth addict?

INB4 "If I could turn back time" by Cher. Kurt would sing it at Finn's funeral.

This is what Barbrady was talking about…

Surely you meant Orgasmo 2. The first time Trey & Matt dabbled with Mormons.

Nah, Todd. Roose should have said: "The Kingslayer sends his regards." Talk about a loaded word with new meaning.

Sean Bean dies in every one of them BTW.

You mean like Unique kissing Ryder during a music number and Ryder backhanding her and storming off the stage with Unique on the floor crying, being a petty diva?