
Who does he play?
Matt LeBlanc
Who does he play?
Matt LeBlanc

I was just killed by the masked man carrying a chainsaw in the trailer above. I had climbed into the wooden coffin on the ground that WASN'T chainsaw-proof. How could I not?

I was just killed by the masked man carrying a chainsaw in the trailer above. I had climbed into the wooden coffin on the ground that WASN'T chainsaw-proof. How could I not?

That could be my favourite use of suspenseful black-screen in a trailer… it was SO obvious, I was genuinely questioning if it would happen.

That could be my favourite use of suspenseful black-screen in a trailer… it was SO obvious, I was genuinely questioning if it would happen.



So the canceraids I contracted here isn't terminal?

So the canceraids I contracted here isn't terminal?

Nice sunglasses, grandma… can I borrow them?

Nice sunglasses, grandma… can I borrow them?

Grandad, tell us the story about that one again

Grandad, tell us the story about that one again

"I told him the tulips looked like open wounds…"

"I told him the tulips looked like open wounds…"

I've made a huge mistake.

I've made a huge mistake.

I'd like to think he did ask for some anonymous flower-faced woman, and that right now he's staring at zombie Rihanna in the mirror.

I'd like to think he did ask for some anonymous flower-faced woman, and that right now he's staring at zombie Rihanna in the mirror.

"You wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village."