
That is all.

Credit to McConaughey though, it's refreshing to see a successful actor move onto more demanding roles.

Credit to McConaughey though, it's refreshing to see a successful actor move onto more demanding roles.

He's spent the majority of his career leaning on co-stars in posters.

He's spent the majority of his career leaning on co-stars in posters.

Never been a fan of theirs, but "Sleeping Ute" is fucking glorious and the best track I've heard this year.

Never been a fan of theirs, but "Sleeping Ute" is fucking glorious and the best track I've heard this year.

You were poked by Ghost.

You were poked by Ghost.

Starship Troopers is the greatest film ever made or something. 

Starship Troopers is the greatest film ever made or something. 

Baby don't hurt me.

Baby don't hurt me.

[Turns to face Statham]

He's dead. You killed him when you left the door open with the air conditioning on.

He's dead. You killed him when you left the door open with the air conditioning on.

There's a deleted scene where Bane eats a bowl of cheerios in excruciating pain.

There's a deleted scene where Bane eats a bowl of cheerios in excruciating pain.

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