
His tweets pre-album release left a lot to be desired, also.

His tweets pre-album release left a lot to be desired, also.

Where's that fat girl gone?
Where's the girl, Katy?

Where's that fat girl gone?
Where's the girl, Katy?

The headbands and awkward Simpsons-style erection image released with "Pyramids" drops this album to a B+/A- sadly folks.

The headbands and awkward Simpsons-style erection image released with "Pyramids" drops this album to a B+/A- sadly folks.

Even though his songwriting talent is definitely the standout of the album, the soul and passion he gets through in his vocals is incredible considering he hasn't got the most powerful voice… and it's the subtle moments that stand-out the most for me.

Even though his songwriting talent is definitely the standout of the album, the soul and passion he gets through in his vocals is incredible considering he hasn't got the most powerful voice… and it's the subtle moments that stand-out the most for me.

Definitely, the pure instrumentals just before the change up are pretty bland to. Can't see anything touching that intro this year though.

Definitely, the pure instrumentals just before the change up are pretty bland to. Can't see anything touching that intro this year though.

The whites.

The whites.

Back to the loch with you nessy.

Back to the loch with you nessy.

My hair gel smells of apple.

Keep going.



Banger is but a myth.

You just had a visit from Aunt Flo.