Nothing personal, but for someone who is naked so much, Gaga pretty much owns the antidote to sexual arousal.
Nothing personal, but for someone who is naked so much, Gaga pretty much owns the antidote to sexual arousal.
If I was beaten and kicked around by a head-chopping serial murderer a few days before, I am probably going to arm myself, and not depend on my partner for protection. Sonya would just have to tattle on me.
Yeah. If he was really reading that email verbatim… It explains a whole lot.
And who has saturated the market like Robin Thicke?
I was looking forward to them being on, too. But when I looked on the FIOS menu to see who was on Colbert, the listing ominously showed no one.
Nobody can make those lemons into lemonade like Colbert.
You guys need to do like I do, and never read the opening paragraphs of Todd's articles too closely. I mean, sure, you miss all his biographical details, but just wait for the book.
See, I knew Childish Gambino wasn't the whole thing. I'm disappointed the Glover's not sticking around for season 5, but O'Neal would probably say disapointment is the Community fan's perpetual state.I will say I don't blame him for leaving, seeing how marginalized Troy was during season 4.
In Joe's defense, Norrie's been taking his hormones on a pretty wild ride since the Dome got dropped. I might forget my sister, too. Wait. I don't have one.
CBS: Settle for nothing less than mediocrity.
The Newsroom is bad with an ambition most bad shows lack. If you quizzed someone on a show like, say, Franklin and Bash, they'd probably acknowledge that they're in a piece of shit. But the Newsroom believes that, not only is it better, it's IMPORTANT. In spite of the fact that it fails on so many levels.
I've been a BB evangelist to my friends for years now, and finally, last year, got two of them to get into it (with the aid of my DVDs). While one guy and his wife got into it quickly and heavily (they went out and bought season 5 themselves), my best friend repeatedly expressed having problems with the show because…
I don't really care for comparisons between the Wire and Breaking Bad. The Wire, as it progressed, developed an ambition and scope virtually unprecedented, as Simon and Co. strived to depict the disfunction of an entire city. Breaking Bad features the ups and downs of maybe eight characters, at most. So naturally one…
The Killing has done a lot to win me over after I dropped it mercilessly in season 2. The last couple episodes have surprised me, by containing quantities previously ignored by the show, like action, characterization, and memorable dialog. I'm not campaigning for the Killing by any means, but if it sticks around… I…
And let's be thankful for that. I would actually prefer if Whedon didn't give his movie the same title as that bloated timewaster of an event comic.
So much about geek culture is being absorbed by the mainstream, with the effect of squeezing us true believers out. On Free Comic Book Day this year, I took my sons to a local store I frequent to pick up some freebies, like I've done for years. This year, we couldn't even get in, as a line of people stretched around…
I've always wanted to go to San Diego, but I've pretty much aged out of that urge. Travel across the country to sleep in a line outside a hotel conference room? And not get in? I understand your complaint, Todd, but stop whining.
It's a measure of Azzarello's clout with DC that they are allowing him to write his Wonder Woman book without imposing crossovers and continuity on him. Especially in view of DC's persistent problems retaining writers on other books. More power to him.
Time again for Tom Mason's Annual Abduction by the Aliens. I appreciate the advancement that Falling Skies has undergone since they were hiding in a Massachusetts school back in season 1. But this is a tradition that they can put aside now. Or at least offer some variety. Let Weaver or Pope get captured next time.
Props go to Pink, but how hard is it to be more graceful than Kanye West? I hear Muamar Quadaffi did it at least once