
He was going to drive Phillip up an alley and beat the shit out of him, that's what he was going to do. These guys are gestapo thugs. They basically rolled the stereo shop owner in the series pilot, then took his beluga caviar.

I wonder if Martha ever notices "Clark's" hair is blond but his pubes are black or dark brown.

That was Ron Swanson? Get out!

Also the Peter Greenaway movie. Pillow Book? I think that's the name. Oops! Poor Poor Bob beat me to that one. Sorry. Anyway, Obi-Wan sucks off this old Japanese guy.

They couldn't get out the door, zombies not being the most physically adept  of creatures.

I used the word "trope" a few comments back. Am I as cool as Azrael? Only time will tell.

I agree that the whole chase scene through the warehouse/factory/whatever was a horrror movie trope, but they did it well. The pacing was good, it really built up the tension. One thing they did which I liked was that they didn't have Andre hiding at Point A then showing gov at Point B & walking away from her then all


John Prine at the Mountain Arts Center in Prestonsburg KY in spring of 2006. Iraq war was going strong then, so he did "Your Flag Decal Won't Get You into Heaven Anymore" and the kinda rednecky audience really responded well to it. Kinda gave me hope for humanity. Later in the show, he did the title track for the

I haven't watched in two weeks. I quit. You can too.

Nah. Life's too short.

I have psychic mind-control powers. Really, they get tedious after a while.

A C? This episode got a C? Please! An F+ would be generous. Every single action everybody in the show takes in this episode is wrong and illogical. Where to begin? The concerned neighbors call in to report that they've seen the kid in the highest-profile news story of the day, and who shows up? Two police, or one and

I'm with you Narrator. Best musical act this season.

Agreed! This one was OK. B+ at least. Last week? Meh.

"The Californians" sketches are basically a rip off of the Monty Python bit where a detective solves a crime at an English manor house by going through endless train timetables. "The Californians" wasn't original at its very inception.

Those recurring characters sure are funny. And that line they use in every sketch! "Hootie Hootie Hoooo!" Hilarious!

No, I don't think so. He told Merle to kill her then Merle lied about it, and now because of that the Governorator has his eye put out. I think he's pissed.

Agreed! No Andre the pharmaceuticals fan. I like that guy, even though he has "Zombie Appetizer" written on his forehead.

Agreed! No Andre the pharmaceuticals fan. I like that guy, even though he has "Zombie Appetizer" written on his forehead.