
I was very young when I read it and was shocked by the downbeat ending. It's an unsettling image, to say the least.

Actually think the 10-page King story was probably more disturbing and unsettling than this movie.

Great episode of that great series.

Ford is very good in that small role. He really sells how, for this younger officer, the Kurtz mission and Willard's role in it are probably his first ever close-up glimpse at how unprecedented and shady the American military presence in Vietnam has become. He's not fighting against it, of course - he's a loyal

Ford had the correct response there.

That's not where I entered the convo. There are some interesting comments elsewhere on this board.


"Jesus, it's so tiring…"

Wait, Cage is bad in Con Air? I'm not sure I'm down with that opinion.

No, but Bibi Andersson does tell one of the most sexually graphic stories I've ever heard in a professional piece of cinema. When you think of the fact that The Graduate was controversial when it was released a few years later, the "memory of the beach encounter" sequence in Persona must've been like a neutron bomb.

I think those are Bergman's two best films.

I forgot great art can't play to the cheap seats. BTW, how many notes should Mozart have removed?


Yes. I didn't get that heading, either. Beyond Naked his movies are ultimately warm and hopeful.

That seems to be the implication running through the movie. Morons and degenerates.

He's clearly an egomaniac with no filter. Exactly the type of person who came to power in Stratton Oakmont.

Oh of course there are. No disagreement here. There's really no bottom to the "bad horror movie" barrel. Well, maybe Human Centipede…

"It's a NEW dentist."

Yes. Incredibly stupid people will make incredibly stupid interpretations of higher-minded ideas.

Bruce Springsteen is from New Jersey…